Sometimes, or often. When i lucid dream i can feel my real life body, i can tell how i lay down. Does this happen to you? And how do i avoid it?
I’ve gotten that sometimes. The best solution I know of is to just start focusing really intently on the sensory information within the dream. Start touching the walls, smelling the air, studying the fine textures of everything…absorb as much input as you can from the dream. Tends to pull you back in. Physically interact with the dream world around you. Spinning may help, too…
This happens to me in ND s as well as LD s. Most of the time when this happens, the dream involves me lying in a bed and things happening around me. It’s really strange. Lol.
It’s funny, I just mentioned this in IRC not too long ago. In one of my more recent LDs and an OBE, I’d felt this warm, comfortable, kinda fuzzy feeling wrapped around my body. I might have also felt like I was a bit curled around something. I figured it was because I was feeling my RL body hugging my Eeyore or wrapped in my blanket or something. Interesting feeling. It pulled me out of the LD when I noticed it that time but the OBE lasted for about a half minute more or so after that.
Although both times ended almost instantly, my two proper LD’s both had this happen.
Both times i could feel my arm against my girlfriend (as I was sleeping next to her).
Infact, one of the times I believe it may have been how I became lucid!
Weird feeling though - I can imagine it’s probably undesirable during a full-blown LD as you want to concentrate on your dream senses.
But it seems that feeling textures in the dream etc. should be able to combat that…
Bodom (David)
Every time I had any longer lasting LD, I had the same feeling. When moving my arm, I felt that my real arm is blocked from the outside. Today, my first successful WILD attempt ended quickly because too much sunlight was reaching my eyes, and the dream image was blended with a bit of RL image - i think one of my eyes wasn’t fully closed. Moreover, I heard the same noises from a near highway both in my dream (it took place near my house) and after waking up. Maybe closing my window would help
Just recently I felt my dream body, the sensations were amazing ^^
I don’t recall feeling my RL body until I got excited and opened my eyes and slowly transferred back into feeling only my RL body D;
Well, when I dozed off in the morning once, I almost immediately went into a dream. What happened was that as soon as I realized I was dreaming, I could feel my physical body too much and woke up. This happened twice. (I think that people talking could’ve also been a factor) =(
Only happened in ND’s, and when it happens I stop moving and imagine myself in the dreamland usually it will work and allows me to keep dreaming, but once or twice I failed and woke up
Surely if you’re thinking about imagining yourself in dreamland, you’d be lucid?
Bodom (David)
Of course I become lucid while in that state its the moment just before that that is in an ND, but I get lucid as soon as I feel both “realities”
Of course I become lucid while in that state its the moment just before that that is in an ND, but I get lucid as soon as I feel both “realities”
I often think I am in a dream a lot, yet every time it happens I start feeling my real life body and it confinces me the dream is real. Sometimes I break free of it but sometimes I don’t so it’s quite annoying.
Almost always happens to me, especially just after the “realization” part. I either have to fight waking up or somehow stabilize the dream (or else it’ll melt away). Rubbing my hands used to always work, but lately spinning seems to do the trick. Last night I slipped completely back to my RL self, but somehow managed to pull myself back up into the dream.
im not sure i posted this in the right topic (too many of them )
today i was lucid in a dream and the whole time i felt this feeling of warmth in my legs. and when i woke up i still felt it, but not that intense. weird