Ok I try the WTBTor whatever method, I sleep for 5-6 hours, get up browse the forums for 30-45 mins. then go back to sleep… i can feel my self dosing off, I start thinking random thoughts and think stupid things and i am concious at this state and feel my body tensing up … i can hear my breathing get heavier… and i don’t know what to do from there… my problem is Just as I start thinking random thoughts, I kep reality checking to see if i’m actually dreaming. and this just makes my mind wander off the dream and onto the fact that i’m trying to lucid dream and it’s like a repetition
Ignroe it all and let yourself go back to sleep. If you want to try and take a RC without moving, you could always try looking through your eyelids.
If you wish to use WILD with this, I’ll let someone else answer it.
If you wish to use MILD with this, then you should repeat a mantra (eg. ‘I will realise that I am dreaming’ - most people like to come up with their own one) in your head until you fall asleep. if you feel it’s keeping you awake, stop doing it after around twenty minutes.
Do NOT get excited about the possibility fo having an LD. This will just keep you awake.
Good advice Sureal. If find your mind wandering, have something which it can constantly come back too. This can be a mantra or even just counting. There is a method where you start, in your mind, climbing up or down stairs. Say you start on floor one hundred and imagine yourself actually going down the stairs, see, feel, and hear everything. As you go down each individual floor count them off. Floor 100, floor 99, etc
That one works well if you have a good imagination.
But must I try staying concious at this time to induce a Lucid Dream? or Shall I just let my self fall asleep??
Depends on the tech you wanna use. If you wanna use MILD or none, just let yourself fall asleep. if you wanna use WILD (not really advisable if you’re new…) then you can try and keep your mind awake whilst you fall asleep (by concentrating on something, eg. your breathing).
But if my Wild isnt succesfull wont it automatically go into a Mild, so it’s worth trying anyway? I am able to fall asleep whilst being concious… but dont know what to do once i finally do fall asleep
you’ve only fallen asleep completely consiously if you’ve felt intense vibrations all through your body and continue to remain relaxed and asleep… only after these vibrations are you truly consciously asleep and dreaming… i’ve only sccessfully gotten past the vibrations once and into a successful WILD… it is difficult… i used the counting “i’m dreaming” method by the way… and the trick is to just always stay relaxed and keep your breathing regular… those vibrations can get pretty intense.
I’d say it’s better to stick to the MILD method until you successfully learn to induce lucid dreams. Remember to set your intention to wake between dream periods and use the MILD method again in each of these waking periods. Both the MILD and the WILD technique are much more effective when used just after waking in the night. I guess this is because your mind is still sort of half in the dream state at these times, and it’s much easier to carry your intention into the next dream.
WILD can be a difficult one to master, even for people who have had many lucid dreams by other methods. It can be very hard to let go and cross the boundary into a dream, and it can be a recipe for insomnia for this reason.
So my advice: Stick to MILD for now and when you gain more experience of lucid dreaming give the WILD method a try. Both methods require that they are the last thing on your mind before falling asleep, so you can’t really use them both at the same time. It will only confuse things, and you would be unlikely to succeed at either method if you do this.
Good luck!
The only way I have had a lucid dream is by falling asleep conscious.
WILD WBTB is the greatest method IMHO
well, doing random RCs has gotten me more LDs… but a WILD WBTB is surefire, wham bam LD.