i’ve been trying to wild for a while now, and i’m wondering a few things. 1) when i’m falling asleep i see those swirly things, then flashes of faces, sounds, and a little bit of a dream scene comes in. if this is part of wild, am i close? 2) how do i enter those little dream scenes that flash in my mind?
Swirling means you’re in light sleep… it then becomes more familiar like shapes… then you’re in the middle level of sleep… then you start to get random images… it’s time to try and consciously enter a dream… so you were pretty close.
Falling, sinking, leaping into, spinning (just like a regular infamous spinning technique, etc. Try everything you can think of to force yourself to consciously enter a dream.
Did that help?
When is the use of the WILD method most effective?
Upon returning to sleep after a 5-6 hour sleep period (feeling rather drowsy), or at the start of sleep?
Also, what techniques during the day have you used to aid in the WILD method at night?
yes it does help thank you very much. i had a feeling i was close but the hardest part is that those little flashes are percisely that, flashes barely a few seconds long and appear at random so entering them is going to take practice. if you have any more advice i’d gladly welcome them and thank you for responding. as for best time, i think when you wake up in the middle of the night, cause you’re already tired and relaxed.
um ok i know there is a wild toopic and all but can u help me with this, every time i try a wild i cant get 2 sleep 4 hours. i am a very light sleeper though
Richard…i am a real Wild fanatic and in the old days i loved to do meditation or wild for hours i loved it…then after that i couldnt sleep like u!
Then i came on the idea that maybe i used up a neurotransmitter in that proces. Serotonin!
I bought trytophan the precursor of serotonin and took it with 3 gram of grapesugar or honey (not normal sugar) and then indeed i could fall a sleep again no matter how long i wilded or did meditation…
If u sre from the U.S…then trytophan is forbidden…then eat bananas or eat turkey meat its in that to…with a little honey…
ok good luck!
ok what is trytophan, sorry i have no idea what u r talking bout. is it a sleeping pill or something and does it work???
Thanx Richard
Trytophan is an essential aminoacid…u know the smallest building blocks of what proteins are made of!
Well tryptohan is the precursor of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that we need to be able to fall a sleep! Also is important in mood and other things…