I aint a violent person or anything.
But in like 75% of my dreams I am a superhero or have to save sombody or somthing fun like that.
I have always had this problem for aslong as I can remember.
Say (this is an example) that erm, Darthvader Is alive and he is gonna conquer the world or somthing.
If i had a weapon, It would be screwed (like a lightsaber would be a torch or somthng totally lame like a glow up whip ) and no matter WHAT I do i can never sem to hurt the ‘baddie’.
So If I picked him up and thew him off a table and started laying into him, He would getback up untouched and I would try again, but come up with the same results.
This is one of the most annoying things that happen alot i my dreams can anyone help me out?
I wanna save the world people! c’mon help me!
Thank you for raising this subject, I think it’s a very interesting one. I have the same type, though I wouldn’t call it a problem. Fighting is just your theme right now. Here’s how I see it: apparently, there’s stuff in your dreams that you perceive as danger, and so you fight it. I’d interpret that as there being stuff in your waking life that you perceive as a threat. So you fight, that’s your natural instinct. You probably do that too in real life when confronted with a threat. Thing is, fighting it is no good in this case, the baddie can’t get hurt, as is painfully obvious. Just as in your waking life there may be stuff that you can’t fight.
So you need to deal with it in a different way. Maybe accept it, embrace it. In dreams you can do that litterally. Concentrate, meditate or hypnotise on this: next time you see the baddie: don’t fight. You’re weapons are of no use. Look him in the eye and embrace him. talk to him. Whatever you think will help: how would YOU treat a threat that can’t be beat? I’d make him an ally. After all, he can’t be beat.
That’s how I see it. Off course it’s your dream. Think about it: How do YOU interpret it?
Do you LD? The baddie showing up could be a great dreamsign…
I dont have LDs quite yet, but this reminds me of a long time ago (6th Grade) I used to want to hurt people badly because they made fun of me. In fact, it bothered me so much, i inevitably had dreams about it. I had dreams of fighting them, the strange thing was it was VERY HARD to punch someone. It wasnt a LD, but it seemed to be very hard to move my arm, something was holding my arm back. When I aucually hit the person, it was a soft hit. I never hurt the person as I wanted to. Hopefully I wont have the problem when i have LD, not that I want to hurt these people anymore, but I do want to practice Judo in my dreams.
yes i used to have the same dream when i was younger. i would try to punch someone and it was like i was underwater or something i couldnt swing fast at all. not only that but it seemed like the person i was trying to punch wouldnt even acknowledge my presence. which made me feel completely powerless. sounds like monkfish has the answer.
Well, I think there is more than one possible answer here. For instance, those things that you can’t seem to hurt in your dreams could well be representing something in your life that is troubling you but that you can’t resolve. It could just be your doubts holding you back or feelings of inadequacy in some area (perhaps you are having trouble with some subject in school)… it COULD just be another form of anxiety dreams (like when you are in school but can’t find your classroom even though the bell has just rung). Take a look at whats going on in your waking life and try to decide whether the baddie is a symbol for something you are having trouble dealing with while you are awake.
I have these dreams too but I am not sure that they apply to anything going on in my life. Perhaps just general anxiety. I had one a month ago where I was walking through a woods with a girl and this fat hillbilly in a straw hat started to harass us. Grabbing me and the girl in naughty ways and I began to really wail on him but he wasn’t showing any signs of taking any damage. However, near the end of the dream sequence, I knocked a ring off of his finger and he seemed to get nervous and I suddenly found myself able to beat the everliving crap out of him. It ended quite satisfyingly. No one touches my dream girls but me! Hehehe.
I used to have tha same problem as vgcloudx…
everytime i tried to punch someone, it was like underwater, very slow, and very heavy, and at the end I would miss… hehe
but the more dreams i had and tried it I got to develop it until now! where I can create an arena and fight Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li all together, and have a great combat!
hehe its really fun, you should try it its allways part of my to do list durring an LD: Sex, Fly, Fight etc… hehe
It’s very nice to know I’m not the only one who loves fighting in dreams . In answer to your question, I think there is conflict in your life, and your troubles are played out as charaters and vilians in your dreams which you must face. The part about you not being avle to ever beat them may simbolize an unconcious fear or feeling of not being able to over come the obstacle. This theme also reacurs in “chasing” and “falling” dreams too. Question: do you have any significant or repeating vilians? i.e. The fight pikachu or Goku alot. I suggest you might want to try to link them to individual problems in your every day life. This all sounds good right? But then again all the fighting may be a way to let off steam. Who knows? Only you do. No one can understand your dreams better than you can. I like to fight during LDs to make it more ineresting. Hope this helps.
I just killed God in an LD. No seriously . I was Satan and was… well God. We fought and I won. It was cool actually. An epic DBZ style fight scene. Heheh damn someone should make a movie outta this one
I had one LD in which I was in a parking lot of a movie theatre and it was at night and there were no cars only streetlamps. I noticed men surrounding me and noticed I was dreaming, I had trouble throwing punches but managed to kill a good amount before I woke up.
Anyway, this might be a three-year-old topic, but it’s been bumped up so I feel justified in adding my two cents.
I often “fight” in my dreams. I put that in quote marks because it doesn’t really last very long in most cases. I have limited patience if things don’t go properly after the first few attempts. Thus, if I fight and can’t win (which is not usually case - I mostly win), I will either escape to find reinforcements, use my wits to trick the villian, or alternatively befriend them. Sometimes it turns out there wasn’t much of a reason for the fight in the first place. Either way, I refuse to give up until the conflict is somehow resolved, even if it can only be done by first running away for a time.
But also, I don’t waste my efforts using the same tactic (ie, trying to punch people) for too long. In my experience of dreams, you have to be clear-headed and work through the alternatives one by one until something works. It’s a bit like real life in that sense, especially when doing something as important as saving the world, lol. You do NOT want to be stuck in the position of having millions of people hate you because you succumbed to Darth Vader and lost everyone’s hope of a bright future. Hehehe. But that’s just what I think.
In my ND’s fighitng is very hit and miss.
Sometimes I fight amazingly well, sometimes I fight pretty good (and can eventually over come overwhelming odds) and sometimes the gun just doesn’t work.
My experience with fighting in ND is similar to surreal’s. Sometimes I fight like Steven Segal and other days, well lets just say I don’t. Lucid dreams are a different story. I don’t fight a lot in my lucid dreams but, every once in a while I am in the mood to vent. In those cases all I can say is look out Bruce Lee. I am completely unstoppable.