Every so often I come across old nemisis of mine from back in High School. Well, I always went to try to kick their ass. I go up to them and I find my arms and legs only move in slow motion and if am able to hit them nothing ever happens. DOes this happen to anyone else.
Strangely enough, I have had the same thing happen to me numerous times. It usualy happens when I am trying to run and my legs go slow mo and I can barely get anywhere. I don’t know what the cause is, but it can make a good dreamsign .
Not exactly that… but:
I often fight in dreams and when i do that, it’s mostly matrix-style. I am even faster than Neo I fly through the air, kick and punch like a lunatic, it’s so much fun. Funny thing is also that i can stop bullets like Neo does. I wanted to post it myself, i guess i forgot,… anyway, a couple of nights ago somebody shot at me and i was just like “No” and the bullet slowed down. The bullets would only stop when they reached my finger. Still… fun. One more thing which i thinks results from too much matrix- watching: There is this one scene in which Neo makes the whole scenery kind of deform… by concentration (i guess you know which scene i mean)… i can do that too
Sorry that wasnt really a reply to your post
i fight and i win u must first belive you an and then you can
Try fighting in a more indirect way than punching them- like transforming other objects in the dream. As an example, here is how I dealt with an assassin armed with a crossbow:
With a wave of my hand, I cause her crowsbow to grow so big that she can no longer wield it… and when I wave my hand another time, she falls into the crossbow. A final nod of my head causes the crossbow to shoot her at yet another hostile DC.
If you have not yet mastered dream magic like that yet, you could also simply try calling for help. Basically, find more subtle ways of altering your environment than just brute force. There is no spoon.
Some people suggest making up with hostile dream characters- but I feel that if it is a dream character that you were victimized by in a real world then a round of dream combat might be a good thing. Just make up after you win.
Its happened to me as well… anytime I try to attack someone its in slo-mo and always misses. Whether it be fists or a barstool. Wonder why… cause i wanted to do some damage
I dont recall fighting in a non-LD, but I did in an LD. I became Lucid right as my persuer in armor found me, and was coming to kill me.
I turned to him and started fighting him in hyperspeed, like how neo fights fast, or Jet-Li in The One. Anyways, that was cool, and he pulled out his sword and tried to stab me while saying “DIE!” or something to that efect, but I froze time, and dodged his sword. Saying “NEVER” as I did, then woke up. Moral of the story, dont try to freeze time if your new to LDs =P