You know when you are LDing an you start to wake up. For me everything starts to slow down and I get really heavy. I usely fight this and if I last I can delay it for a couple of minutes or so. Does this happen to you. would really like to hear about it.
I know what you mean,
Except i wasnt trying to fight it, well this was my first lucid and havent had any but i knew i was gonna wake up, so i thought i’ll just keep calm and still remind myself im dreaming i will stay but nope didnt work. Didnt know what happened when i was waking up while dreaming, it just went black then i woke up. But yes when i woke up i felt real heavy.
neo i think the first thing we lose in a dream in teh visual than sound and last the feeling. i dont know why, but for me fighting waking has become easier as time has gone on, i dont feel heavy, infact i just feel my real body. i feel my Db and my RB and then i know i am gonna wake, or i ope my eyes. that actally hurts. weird.
Yeah It has gotten easier as time goes on. I opened my eyes before also but it never hurt. It’s crazy when you are dreaming and you can feel your real body.
When I said I felt heavier I meant I felt it in my dreams not waking life, just to clear things up.
Usually when I fight off waking I can go even more Lucid and for a longer time.
weird, i dont get the feeling you describe…got totally different i know some secounds before that i will wake up, then i do it fast…im getting pulled real real fast and getting into my real bodey, in the dream the visuals, feeling…everyghing just get sucked away at once, its a weird feeling. most times its not as violent as i describe it but the last time it was really violent, it did not hurt, just went really fast…
The thing about the way it happens to me is good in a way. I do keep the visuals but it gets crappier as I start to wake up. It’s like the graphics in video games. I start out pretty much like real life then it gets like PS2, then playstion, then nintendo, then awake. I hope you kinda get the feel of it. It does give me time to fight it and keep going.
The most I’ve fought it off was I think 3 times. Each had less time and lucidty. First was a couple of minutes still vivid and lucid, Second less vivid and a little less lucid for about a minute.last very sluggish and blurry almost no lucidty for about 30 seconds if that.
It’s kinda like I’m being pulled back into my body out of the dream world.