What has helps me to stay focused and to have confidence in myself when it comes to dreaming and lucidity is figuring out why I want to do it.
Dreaming can get a bit crazy, I mean we are going into the sub conscious mind and whatever you can imagine can manifest itself so understanding what your purpose for lucid dreaming is can keep you grounded and keep you sane, for a lack of a better word.
Dreaming is a tool to help and aid our everyday life, so as much as we can use it to escape reality when things are tough, or to have some fun when we want it, it is also their to aid us and help us to create and understand the life around us.
I think that’s good to remember, it’s a tool. So let’s learn to use it!
What is your purpose @CaptainApex, in case you’re willing to share?
When I was young and learned about lucid dreaming my purpose would definitely have been to have fun and also to some degree to escape to my own alternate reality (I’m a big fan of Isekai). I’m using subjunctive here because I didn’t really get lucid until quite a while later.
Now that I’m older I’m still in for the fun, that’s without a doubt. But it’s also a lot about learning about myself and finding out what’s possible with my mind. And to see the world with different eyes. I’m getting bogged down in very specific details very quickly in waking life because that’s just the kind of personality I have and also because my work often requires it. But not so in dreams. Sometimes it feels a like more liberated alter ego.
I like that you’re using it as a way to discover yourself, that’s also one of my reasons or purpose (self discovery).
I won’t name my specific purpose for LD because I think everybody needs to find out what theirs is and if I name mine then it may obstruct you knowing yours.
So anyway, mine has a lot to do with being and aid for my life. Helping me to understand myself and to draw inspiration from so I can live a more fulfilling life.