FILD question

FILD seems to be a very effective technique as it’s shown that 4 of 5 can do it almost in the first try, if you never heard of FILD check it out it sounds awesome

so my question is to anyone that has alredy tried this, i’m planing on doing it tonigh but the tutorial its not clear at all,
once i wake up its ok if i go to the bathroom? I always go to pee once i wake up at any hour of the night :tongue:

(writting from the cellphone here, so i tried to make it quick, inglish is also not my first lenguage)

Generally getting up will make you more awake so it could take longer to fall asleep. This isn’t a bad thing for everyone, and in fact some people have an easier time when they do that. If you find yourself too awake after, I’d suggest using a relaxation technique or just letting yourself get tired again. Just don’t wait too long or you might fall asleep :razz:

cosmic.iron said in his tutorial that WBTB can be useful for FILD so i would say it can even be good

So, When doing FILD, do u have to experience sleep paralysis or u get lucid in the dream?

FILD is a kind of WILD so you would normally feel the sleep paralysis but in the thread people told that it just feel like numbness in your body, that’s the further i’ve ever been because i just fall asleep i gotta give it other tries. Tell me how you felt when you tried