file download from site!!!!

how do I make it so that i can let people download this file on my comp? i have tried uploading the file to my site then linking to it by doing:
my file dude and i have tried dude but that doesn’t work!!! i have searched all over the internet but noooo answer how do you do it???!!!

where is the file? if it is on your computer nobody can download it…

you have to put it on your site, you have done that, i assume.

so if your site is and the filename is you do it like this:

<a href="">my file dude</a>

that should work.

so if i do that when they click on it a box will come up like normal saying blahblah blah do you want to open this file or save it to your computer?

yes, it should… you can always test it yourself first by going to your site and clicking on the link, see if it works.

You could put it up through Bittorrent.

It is possible for people to take files directly from someones computer all you need to do is set up a FTP server.

Of course people would only be allowed to dload when you are connected to the internet. However if you don’t know how to set one up securely then just uploading it to a site as Q suggested is the safest option for you.