Filmmakers Unite!

I’m a filmwriter and was wondering if there were any like me who are into making films on this board. I’ve found that LDing could be a wonderful tool when writing a film…you can watch the scenes you write in so many different ways to see which is best fit for the script…or if you’re a director, you can play around with various camera shots. If there are any who already use LDing as a writing tool, feel free to share your experience in using it…

right here bro
i havnt made a film for a while now but im sure lding would make a cool subject.
im more of the horror action blow-away-scary-monsters-with-a-reallybigassgun type of movie maker :grin:
id have made a good one if George frickin Romeo wouldnt have done the exact same thing (dont ask… :cry: )
agh gtg (i snuck onto the site at school…too many people keep walking past :peek: )

I made a film. It’s just so much fun, even if the result is not that good I always have fun doing it. The writing part, the filming, the editing, actually everything.

I never used a LD for filming, I’m not that good in LDing, to have so many chances. We (I and my friend) did have inspiration from our dreams. Actually right now we’re going to film a part of my friend her dream.

My advice to anyone interested in film-
David Lynch is a visionary director, who has made such films as Lost Highway, Blue Velvet, Mullholland Drive, The Twin Peaks TV series, and Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me.
Tell me what you think. David Lynch is sort of an aquired taste, so start out watching Blue Velvet, which is his less strange work, then work up to films like Fire Walk With Me and Mullholland Drive

got a story for my film just to lazy to write it down which is bad cause its an awsome story

I had a dream a while back that I’d love to make into a short film. It reminded me of Gilliam, it was surreal but hyper-real at the same time… Anyway, yeah, I consider myself a filmmaker although I haven’t done anything other than write scripts and help a friend edit his own movie.

Hey. I haven’t posted in here for AGES. I am a film maker too. Or, at least… hopefully… a soon-to-be film maker. I’m in film school right now, and I’m also working on a tv program on a community tv channel and on an independent film. And I’m trying to get a job. Because I’m poor. Damn. Anyway, I’ve made a few short films and video clips, nothing major. But I think that LDing would be great for experimenting with ideas for films, and even as a subject for a film itself.

i wrote a script a while ago (maybe 9 months ago) for school, about a dream i had… it’s sitting on the bottom of a pile of old papers.