hi all this is my first post (well second after my intro post) so im sorry if i started this thread in wrong place or it has allready been covered.
what i was curious about is if i stripped the audio out of a film e.g Inception and listened to that on cd as i was falling asleep would that help me visualize a scene for my dream and if so would it be even better if i never seen the film before (so i would only have my imagination to go by). or would i be too distracted with scenes of gunfire and explosions ect
In the case of Inception, you would definitely be way too distracted by all the action. But you won’t know for sure until you try it out.
What I sometimes do is listen to the soundtrack of a certain movie before I go to sleep, so that it sticks in my mind. If I’ve seen the film, the soundtrack will in most cases fill my head with scenes from the movie.
I don’t know if Inception is really the best way to induce actual lucidity, though. The movie is great and all, but its focus isn’t so much on becoming aware. It might be better to listen to a subliminal lucid track if lucidity is all you’re after.
But if you think it may work for you, just give it a try. You’ve got very little to lose, the way I see it.
yeah just as i thought, i may try with a (for lack of a better word) boring film something that is more talk/story orientated without action. the only reason i chose inception as an example is because i watched this film three nights ago and havent been able to get my head (even when im asleep) off of the subject of lucid dreaming. so i thought it may inspire me more.
also i am the kind of person who gets completely obsessed with a subject to the point that; that is the only thing that goes round my head (which could be months at a time)
it does not do my head in or get boring i just tend to super analize the given subject. i take it this would be a good thing to help me remember to be aware when i am asleep, since it does not get me frustrated or overwhelm me , am i right or am i likeley to ruin the natural state i need to be in to lucid dream?
About three weeks ago I watched the movie How to Train Your Dragon for the first time. Since then I’ve seen it a total of 13 times. THIRTEEN times (that’s like every 1.5 days). I listen to the soundtrack most of the day, when I’m home at least.
So trust me, I know exactly what it’s like to be obsessed with something. You know what the odd part is? I’ve yet to have a dream about it. I thought that by now I would have had several dreams with my flying on the back of a Night Fury or w/e. But nope. My guess is that I’m so busy with it by day that my subconscious doesn’t NEED to dream about it.
Of course, if anything you’re obsessed with does feature in your dreams, then by all means go for it. Just try to not focus ONLY on that obsession and keep all of the other stuff you do to induce lucid dreams in mind as well.
thanks for the reply svenshinhan yes that is obsessed allright
i play ALOT of first person shooters and like you i virtually never dream of this, except when i play a new game that has a different enviroment, so as you say we see this so much in the day, it doesnt really leave room for inspiration or new strong feelings so we just switch to something different,
i have only ever dreamed of my games if they are new or i havent played it for a while.
allthough what i think about during the day usually allways follows into my dreams, not as visuals but more of a repetitive vocal rambling
I agree with svenshinhan. although, yeah, give it a try and let us know how it went. You should probably put very low volume…
Putting this idea as a lucid dreaming induction method aside for a second, I’ve never thought of it before. Listening to the sounds and specially dialogue of a movie (maybe one you know very well) and trying to see the corresponding images in your mind sure sounds like a good way to practice visualization skills. I might try this some time!