Yes, I listen to this type of music before I go to bed to help me induce LDs. It works everytime, I just put it very soft in the background and it usually follows me into the dream.
It probably helps that some of those tunes are really meant to be played on loop.
Really!? I frickin love Final Fantasy music. I should try it.
Very cool! I should try this, also.
EllyEve is probably right- no breaks in the music could be be a contributing factor.
Hm, that’s a good idea. Never thought about it. I have both the FF10 and FF Tactics soundtracks and between those two there’s quite a few softer songs. Plus the music is just rad anyway.
I do the same thing with a playlist I’ve made by picking all of the softer songs from the Silent Hill soundtracks (games 1 to 4)
I don’t know whether it really helps but it is incredibly soothing.