finally ... [another] [1 minute] lucid dream!

hey, im new here … anyways
ive had a couple lucid dreams before, mostly last spring, soo excellent …
no lucid dreams all summer (well one real short one)
im currently reading ‘exploring the world of lucid dreaming’ by laberge …

anyways, moving bast background info…
i discovered a relatively frequent dreamsign a couple days ago, and noticed it last nite in a dream … it was really strange, unlike any other of my lucid dreams, but when i realized i was in a dream, all of a sudden i was like moving to another dimension, i felt … hmm … the only way to discribe it would be to call it a mind wind … like a wind rushing through my mind, but not felt physically … during this mindwind, i realized that i needed to stay calm and focused to stay lucid (previously, being too stoked has prematurely taken me out of lucidity) … so i was … being prepared with a mental checklist of things i wanted to do while lucid, i closed my eyes and turned around and expected to be in a certain destination … but when i opened my eyes, my real eyes were open and i was awake …

sooo frustrating, after waiting several months and having being prepared for lucid dreams this time, i was taken right out of it after like a minute

anyways … suggestions? comments?

Congrats for your long waited lucidity, at first! :happy:

Well, sometimes closing your eyes in LD can wake you up, yes. I personally have done it only during one LD (when trying to fly and not to see ground what would make me to think about falling and gravity), and it actually worked and did not woked me up. Instead i started to fly and then opened my eyes. Still, i think that it’s “safer” if you try not to close your eyes in LD.

But reading EWLD is best what i can recommend to you now. Read it thoughtfully and try out the methods described there. Also you might want to try out techniques described in this forum here (MILD, WILD, WBTB, etc.). Just take at least quarter of hour, or so before you go to sleep to read EWLD, or posts in this forum, so you go to bed with more concious about your intent of having LD TONIGHT :grin:

I’m sure others can add more to it…

Last night when i lost visuals I attempted to open my dream eyes with my dream powers

I saw 4 sets of multicolor eyelids and this liquid upon them
This freaked me out considerably. But it was awesome. I plan to paint it oneday.

haha thats crazy baloogan

i dont think that im having a problem losing visuals, its that im getting such out of the dream world and just having control over my physical body

anyways, a similar thing happened last nite … i having a crazy dream, and in a really tense/kinda scary situation i realized that i didnt really care as much as i shouldve, and i knew i was in a dream, so i tried to scream ‘more lucid!’ but i didnt scream it, i just thought it … i did this a few more times, and i felt that awesome feeling of becoming lucid (oh man, what a crazy feeling … its usually hard to remember when awake, since i think i just pass it off as being in a dream … buts its just insane when youre whole body has feeling and existing in the dreamworld, and im remembering it well right now) … anyways, a few second after becoming lucid, i woke up … i laid there in bed and tried to get back into it, but no luck (lying motionless and trying to get back into a dream has never worked before for me) …

on the plus side though, this is my second time becoming lucid in 3 days … which is pretty cool, because that means the consistency of becoming lucid is hitting an awesome peak … i just hope i can get the length to extend significantly, and that this trend continues


Yes exploring the world of lucid dreams is a good book.

You can also get more free info:


A course in consciousness

Lots of free stuff including Labarge interview

Some other thoughts:
:yes: Keep a dream journal
:yes: Do reality checks often during the day and do them seriously.
:yes: Pick a induction technique (like MILD,WILD etc) that suits you and practice regularly.

If you ever close your eyes again in a dream do not open them again. Instead just try to see through your eye lids. Eventually the dream should come back into focus.

Also, do not worry as you practice more your lucid dreams will get longer. When you first become lucid first stay calm. After you have calmed down I have found it helpful to anchor my dreams using any of the prolonging methods like rubbing your hands together. This should help you stabilize things better.

Happy Dreaming

hey thanks for the good free info milod …

i tried MILD for the first time last night … also i guess in conjection with natural WBtB … i kept going back to sleep cause i really wanted to have an LD … slept for more than 12 hours haha …

anyways, in a couple of my dreams, i halfjokingly told some DCs (RL friends, etc) that what they were doing was really strange, and that they were probably in a dream and should do a RC … haha … why didnt i take myself more seriously??? haha

I found that works best for me as well. When practicing WBTB I never use an alarm clock. Instead I just give myself a suggestion that I will wake up after every dream. Believe it or not having this intention works great. I don’t wake up after every dream but, I do wake several times a night.

12 hours sleep. I have done that a few times myself. Some researchers say that is not supposed to be good for you. They say 9-10 hours is the most you should sleep per day. But, in my opinion I know myself best. If I had the time I would sleep 12 hours as much as I could to LD. Anyway, have no fear 8-10 hours is more than enough sleep to get nice long lucid dreams. I have had long LD with even less sleep.

Hey, that is a good sign of progress. :smile: At least the concept of lucid dreaming is starting to filter into your dream life. Keep practicing.