recently i’ve been having very close attempts at lucidity and last night i had a very low level of lucidity. At one point i knew i was asleep and i managed to get stoned in my dream which was very strange.
So this afternoon i was tired and decided to take a nap. After reading a post on this board where someone said they went lucid because they were dreaming they were in a dream, i managed to do the same thing! So there’s a lot of borring details ( i think i had like 5 or 6 dreams in a 2 hour period) but basically i remember seeing an image of my body sleeping and i was like what the hell that isn’t right and then i realized i was sleeping so then i was in first person view again and i was like ok i’m going to fly. So i just thought of the matrix how neo flys and my body became extremely tingly like i could feel power flowing throghout it and i took off. It was crazy. After a while i lost lucidity but i remember spinning to regain it at one point.
This other point i remember i was in the bathroom with my ex girlfriend and she started kissing me, which i knew was weird which helped me regain my dream clarity and change things around a little
The rest that i remember was that i was invited to a wedding in austraillia for this couple that i didn’t know, and i didn’t want to go and my mom didn’t want me to either, but my friend and his family made me. And i remember being on the plane, so i’m assuming that i fell asleep on the plane which caused my dream inside a dream state to trigger my lucidity. It was simply awesome.
i am most lucky when i am napping aswell…
well, more than i am sleeping at night anyway. dont know why though.
Good luck and i hope you get plenty more from now
Since visiting this site I have been having Lucid dreams more often. Earlier tonight I found the best way to keep myself in a dream once I realise that I’m dreaming. I’ve tried rubbing hands with mild success, also spinning but that always makes things worse…
But tonight I had been dreaming for hours and at one point in the dream where I was in a hideout I realised that I was dreaming. As soon as I realise the dream fluxuates and blurs, but this time I looked at the tiles on the kitchen and concentrated on how detailed they were.
This instantly brought me into a really stable high lucidity dream, if you have problems with spinning or rubbing your hands try this technique, it works like a charm for me.
usually i’ll try to WILD and it takes me upwards of 45 minutes to get comfortable and relax and eventually my whole body will go into SP. I usually get really close and a couple times i could feel it setting in (which in some cases caused me to get excited and lose my progress) but sometimes i just end up falling asleep.
So i’m going to just try different techniques and see which one works the best for me. Thanks for the support!
lol, when you first said that, I pictured a bunch of people running up and throwing stones at you, didn’t bother to think about the other definition of stoned…
This LD stuff is fascinating, I hope I can get it working fairly soon.
but nah i hardly smoke anymore but that’s all my friend do (before school, durring school, and after school, it’s bad) so with them talking about it all the time it doesn’t surprise me that i had a LD about being blazed (i have had regular dreams about being high too). It was crazy.