Finally First WILD :D

Well two days ago i woke up in the middle of thre night after about 5hrs sleep. But instead of opening my eyes i just decided to go back to sleep and attempt a WILD :smile: Luckily it worked and it was truly an amazing feeling having those vibrations go through my body. Only at the beginning i had kinda a hard time focusing because the SP made it hard to breathe for me. But then it all went really smooth and i also heard some unknown female voices while entering my dream. During my dream i was in my room and some music was playing in the background. But because the dream wasnt very vivid i had the urge to open my eyes which unfortunately woke me up. Do you guys have any idea how i could get more vivid dreams? :content:

Congrats’! :happy:

Yeah, I have also problem with opening my eyes = waking up, except I want to retrieve my view (most times is black). Maybe we can tackle this problem together?

Congrats, I’m amazed how you managed to get through without really waking up… I need to do WBTB before WILD at least 5 minutes because I can’t stay awake… It seems like you can find potential in WILD, keep on with good work!

For more vividness you can shout: increase lucidity, or increase vividness or lucidity/vividness 1000%… You can spin or rub your hands or you can grab something in a dream and feel the texture of the object you are holding.

Also you may have more vivid dreams/WILD if you stay awake longer, maybe bringing more awareness before WILD in your mind may increase vividness and lucidity… Try that out!

Good luck!

Yes sure oleg id gladly do so :happy:
And thanks dB ill try it next time i manage to get a WILD :content: Oh and in my case i cant get too awake when i do WBTB because then im unable to fall asleep again :meh:

Congratulation :happy:
WBTB don’t have to be long, i usually write a note ,drink and go back to bed :content:
You have to find out your perfect WBTB time.

thanks :content: and the problem is as soon as i open my eyes i really have a hard time falling back to sleep again :meh:

Maybe some exercise would help but not at night, in the morning or noon. Or something else that would make you more tired…