I have been reading into lucid dreaming for about 2 weeks now, and have been eagerly awaiting my first lucid dream. and guess what, last night was my night. i wasnt expecting it at all, either, and i didnt even use any techniques, like WILD or MILD , it just sorta happened mid dream, and i realized all of a sudden i was dreaming. It only lasted about 15-20 seconds. but…wow. what an amazing 15-20 seconds they were.
It started with me inside a building, i believe it was the local YMCA, with my family. I dont remember what was happening in there, except that i walked into a room and there was a man and apparently, his daughter. He was yelling at her, and then people started coming into the room, including my family. we al watched him get mad at her, and then he started threatening her. I forget what he was yelling, but he was very, very angry. he started getting louder and louder and more and more angrier. he started warning people to leave before he did somehting because he was so angry. So everyone ran out, including me. i took the back exit-noone else did. so as im running along the wet pavement outside, and then i start to walk.
And then, just like that, i realize something.
im dreaming.
i didnt even have to do any reality checks-in fact, i believe i was just to do any or even need to do any-I knew i was dreaming somehow. i just knew it. and thats when my LD began.
i have always wanted to fly. so as soon as i stopped along the wet pavement, and realized i was dreaming, i put my hands down, towards the ground, and started to fly straight up. I got about 20-25 feet up in the air, and could go no further. i landed. i tried again this time, but with my hands straight up.
I didnt get very high at all this time, about 10-15 feet only. so, i tried again. about three more times. and it was amazing. I dont rememeber anything else after that.
The wierd thing is that this is the first time i have had a LD , and my neck was KILLING me(not during the dream, but before i went to sleep). I had a huge cramp in it that day, and every time i turned my head, there was a very, very sharp pain. so when i went to sleep, LD ing was the last thing on my mind…and i had one. ironic, no?
Now, i do fear something-what if this wasnt an LD at all…? what if it was a false LD where i just thought that i was LD ing? is that even possible?
anyway, even if i was having a false LD , it was amazing.
i cant wait for my next one!!!