Hello everybody !
I’m very happy, but i hope i’m not wrong…
So here’s the story :
I went to bed, putting an alarm that goes off automatically 7 hours after sleep. I woke up, and tempted FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream.) Of course, i failed.
Nevertheless, i was VERY close to falling asleep. ( I even think i fell asleep for few secs or something…) So at that moment, the thing started ! I got pissed off, i don’t know why, turned on my side, and said something like “can’t take this shit (sorry) anymore, i’m going to do this, and that’s all !”.
I was REALLY convinced, i just knew i would do it. (I didn’t even know what i was about to do…) Then i just thought about sleep paralysis and tried to get it. I said that i’ll just fall asleep and keep consciousness in a rude and firm/convinced way. In like 7 seconds i went through lot of stages, i felt my self sinking in sleep, then BAM. I felt something in my spine ! Was really weird ! (Somehow seemed familiar (O.O) ) I kept it long enough, but got exited after 15 secs or so.
I wasn’t sure if i could not move though, i didn’t want to.
I had HH ! I heard some sort of weatherman talking. Didn’t care at all.
I’m glad. But should i be ?
Thanks !
Hey guys, tell me, was this really SP ?
I tried again and failed. Must i be really tired ?
Not sure if that was SP. Sometimes you don’t even feel it coming. And you don’t have to experience it to get a LD, so many people here suggest you focus on getting a LD, not SP… since you might get SP and then not be able to go all the way into a dream… Anyway, everything is a new esperience so it’s all useful. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten SP by trying to but that’s me, me SP comes randomly. The things you felt were all part of the falling asleep process which you may or may not experience.
YES! In my opinion everyone should look at it like this P) :
Was it a new experience? Then it’s great!
Was it fun/interesting/weird? Even better! xD
Oh, I also like to annoy people by telling them to focus on the good stuff. So focus on that cool experience and how glad you got from it, whatever it was, instead of the fact you didn’t get SP (if you didn’t really, who knows) and that you didn’t get a LD.
That certainly sounds like the onset of SP. SP, once you’re fully in it, is quite unmistakable because you literally are paralyzed. You cannot move even if you try–except with great, great effort.
Lol, thanks for that awesome reply X)
But getting a LD seems impossible for me I tried for a bit know, and everything i had was luck !
I’ll just keep trying
Okay thanks, so it was just the start ^^
I’ll keep you noticed when i get something new