Finding old dream diaries

As I was cleaning my room, thinking about my current dream diary, my fourth one, I found back my three old dream diarys. And as I started to read, a whole lot of memorys came up to me. I was really moved by my old dream diarys. It is just brilliant to go back into your dreaming live to see what you have been up to. For myself I have found another good thing about a dream diary. Reading them back.

It’s very fun, especially when you find them in fun, random ways. Mine hit me on the head when I was looking through my bookshelf. :happy:

Nice. :tongue: I just found them where I stored them, in a box. :content:

I keep mine on a shelf under the table where my current one rests. I look through them every once in a while reading mostly old lucid dreams to get inspired and such.

Makes me wish I recorded my dreams more often. Curse this laziness and damn lengthy dreams (actually I don’t mind that so much… :tongue:).

I think I’ve only written out 2 or 3 whole dreams out on paper. Other than that, it’s just notes and I really don’t have much in my online DJ.

yup i like reading back to my old old ones

i wish i would start writing them down in my journal in full instead of only on the PC again

That’s another reason I prefer to write by hand, I can draw pictures and stuff of my dreams in my dream journal. :happy:

I’m always extremely judgmental of my (many) past journals. I criticize the handwriting, lack of detail, and how young I sound. It’s a shame, because I love having a handful of old books to thumb through. I can even remember a lot of the dreams that made their way into each one. I just wish I was a little nicer to my younger self when looking back. :tongue: