17-July-2007 11.11 GMT
for more info www.firethegrid.com
Please give 1 hour of your time!
For the ones that dont have time to read,the main point
“This plan involves only one hour from each of us. Our combined energies will work to direct energy to the Earth and to each other. I ask you to choose the way in which you deliver your intention. For those of you that pray, then pray for the hour asking for the faith and power to accomplish this tremendous task. Those of you, who meditate, meditate and see the intention of your thoughts swirling deep inside our earth delivering the love and healing. Those of you who have no ritual of faith may simply develop one that works for you. If you sit quietly and repeat a phrase of your intention such as “I offer you my energy to heal this world and its people.” Any positive words of hope, love and desire for change will manifest these thoughts as reality - our new reality."
That last sentence, the way it’s worded - made doubly shocking because you seem to believe it - that has to be one of the creepiest things I’ve ever heard!
I think your theory is completely stupid.
Offering your “energy” to “heal this world”, you really think that will make everything nice?
Just THINKING about it won’t do anything - especially something like making a new reality.
Even if you asked people to try and be positive, things like that, it would make more, a lot more of a difference than what you want them to do. You aren’t asking them to be positive, you’re asking them to channel good energy into the soul of the world.
If you want to make a new reality, get off your ass and go do things. If people do that, it might just make a difference. That’s the only way to do anything.
Well, I’m not going to get into my opinions on transfering and transmuting energy, but allow me to simply say this, Vichlatti, positive thought like this might not instantly heal the planet and solve all our problems, but it will sure get us further than the negativity that seems to be the status quo.
Edit: lol, I’m sorry: I just realised that in your post “positive thougt like this” could be cynically reffering to me, or the topic.
In case it was the topic: you’re completely right, it will do more good than harm, but I feel that if, instead of transmuting energy, just being positive will help just as much, if not more. I still think practical do-gooding will be much more useful.
Just in case that was dircted at me:
See, I don’t think that’s the case. I didn’t “wound the Earth” by being negative, nor was I negative. I merely pointed out that what I had been asked to was stupid and actually doing positive things might help more.
You see, I don’t sit in a little room chanting mumbo-jumbo to the soul of the Earth to try and make it feel better - I go out and do good, positive things and I think it makes a whole lot more difference than what you wanted me to do.
I’m interested to know your opinion on transmuting energy, though.
My opinion:Do both
Send love and positive energy to the earth,and do what actions you can also.
Keep in mind that this is not my site,and im not its defender.
I just found it in some other forum,and i thought to let you know
That “mumbo-jumbo” is a strong part of a faith which a good portion of us belong to. I’m not flaming you, just saying that that could unneededly ruffle some major feathers.
As for the topic itself, I don’t believe that the world can be saved by positive energy either. Energy is a part of nature, and any energy we direct at it would just be taking and returning what was already there in the first place.
I really didn’t mean to direct anything at you, your comment may have been a bit negative, but the status quo I was reffering to is a cultural one.
And as for transmuting energy, I believe that if one can elevate his consciousness enough, and train and concentrate it, that one may become able to change change the frequency at which energy vibrates, and I do not profess to know what comes along with this, but many “paranormal” powers may result, or simply abilities to alter the way you see things and perceive beyond what normal people do. So transumting energy is an entirely possible ability gained by elevation of consciousness, but I do not profess to know whether it is actually possible or not, I will not know untill I’ve experienced it. Again, sorry, I wasn’t speaking directly to you or singling you out. Sorry if it felt that way.
I think this meditation can only bring out good/positive changes.
At the very least, it will give us a few moments to reflect on ourselves, and how we can be of better service to one another and the larger world.
I also really connected with the “story” the promoter of the meditation shared. It made it more personal and meaningful to me, in terms of encouraging me to participate.
You have a point. Can i ask what faith are you talking about? I assume it’s the meditation, etc. faith, but if it’s an actual religious faith, I wasn’t making a reference to the prayer part of it - I don’t think anyone’s prayer or faith is mumbo-jumbo.
I’m not going to comment on meditation,etc. I am fairly critical of it but that comment about mumbo-jumbo was merely expressing my opinions on transmuting energy, and that only. I am sceptical of it and I’m glad Daylight explained it in a bit more detail for me.
Daylight, I only realised a long time after I posted that your post could have been cynical. I thought it was a slim chance but I put a reply in anyway.
I was referring to Paganism, but since you just mean energy manipulation in general, disregard my previous statement.