I first attempted to induce an LD last night and it was hectic. I had at least three “normal” dreams I think, one of which I was able to wake up and write down. I physically woke up at least twice and in the end I had two “False awakenings”. None of this was actually scary, in fact the details for the dream I remember were quite funny, involving Gary Coleman and cheap beer. I overslept until 1pm due to my false awakenings (I kept waking up to my alarm clock, but I knew it wasn’t real because the alarm clock wasn’t…making sense I guess would be a good way to describe it). SO my question is this, are everyones expierences usually this tumultous, and is this what I can expect from now on, or what was I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated
Also my conditioning for this was reading the forum/website for about an hour, did a few RC’s (kept trying to put my finger through my palm, though I wasn’t able to try in my dreams) filled up a glass of water, telling myself I would remember everything after I drank the other half in the morning, and stared at this website for about 5 minutes ->
Gary Coleman and cheap beer?
Sure you weren’t drinking any cheap beer prior to going to sleep?
Seriously, sounds like you were just wound up about the idea of lucid dreaming and your brain went into hyperdrive. I’ve had nights like that when I’ve been under stress – or taking decongestants.
Try to go for a more relaxed frame of mind, and for starters, don’t drink alcohol or take any supplements before you go to sleep. Just experiment with how your brain works in a “natural” state.
Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
I think your right about being over excited about the concept of LD’ng. But I can assure you that no chemicals were induced prior to sleep, other than nicotine What techniques do you use to relax yourself before sleep? I had to read Odessey for about 30-35 minutes before I was ready?
Keep in mind that nicotine is a stimulant!
Could have been that your brain was too “full” and had way too much to process last night. Try music before bed instead of reading something new.
I have lucid dreams and I either lose lucidity or wake up. Try to stabilize your dream a bit, maybe that will help. Sometimes I can get a nice stable LD but it’ll end abruptly. Usually because I’m stupid and blink.
try eating some dairy products before bed (cereal and milk, yogurt, cheese, etc) dairy products have a chemical that starts with a ‘t’ (that i can never remember the name of) that helps with relaxation and such
masturbation helps skim a lil energy off the top…
what? somebody had to say it