Hey there everyone! Nice to meet you!
Right, I first heard about lucid dreaming about 3/4 days ago, and instantly thought “I’m going to do that”. I’ve been reading up a lot on it recently, and have been doing the reality checks and keeping a DJ (although I can remember 4/5 dreams a night anyway - but it’s interesting going back to them).
The last couple of nights I’ve been trying to do some MILD without much success, although a coupld of times, there have been situations in my dreams about LD’ing.
Now the questions, last night I was going to lying in bed thinking “When I next dream, I will remember I’m dreaming”. I did this for 5 minutes or so, but started to realize that I was very relaxed and was seeing what I thought might be HI. I wasn’t going to try WILD at all, but I gave it a go anyway.
The experience:
I was aware of swirling patterns infront of my eyes for a while, and jsut watched them, not really thinking about anything. They soon dissapeared and my body felt heavy, kind of falling throught the bed, that only lasted a minute or so, but after that I couldn’t feel my arms at all, or move them. I couldn’t even remember where they were. After about 10 minutes or so of lying there, my heart rate and breathing shot up for no reason for a couple of minutes. I’m still conscious, just letting mind wander, not really thinking about anything at all - I’ve got no images appearing, or thoughts flowing.
I’m sure my eyes started twiching for a while, but nothing really happened. After 20-25 minutes, I seemed to lose everything and just found myself lying on my bed (having not realised that I had forgotton).
What was that?
Should I have been thinking about things, images or whatever, as throughout it was just blackness.
Are there any other stages of whatever I was going through?
I didn’t really see any definite shapes or hear any sounds during HI. Is that ok?
Oh, and I didn’t do any counting or focusing on my breathing? Is that important? I also occasional thought about what I was doing, ie maybe going to LD - would this have affected anything?
Cheers for your time, and thanks for any replies, I realise this is a long post, but it’s the first time I’ve put it all into words - even if it’s nothing, it was a crazy experience, that I won’t forget in a long time.