I had my first DILD last night(after bitching on another post last night, that this never happens to me). It was a very, very long vivid dream, which is why I think I became lucid. I was walking down the road in some city, and cars and buses were driving at normal speeds. All of a sudden everybody starts driving crazy. I jump up on a fence so I don’t get ran over, and a car skids side ways, and stands on the 2 right wheels. for some reason this looks weird to me, and I realize I am dreaming. The weird part is compared to the rest of the stuff going on in the dream, the car on 2 wheels, was not that wierd.
Anyways, I got really excited and started yelling “I am Dreaming!” I said it like three times. Then I realized, that if I kept this up I would wake up so I stoped yelling, and said “increase Lucidity” and guess what People, it worked! to tell you the truth, I think just the thought made everything clearer. Now, what ever my goal was in the dream was forgotten, I just wanted to try different things. But my dumb ass just decided to drive the car that had just skided. While driving I wanted to look at my hands to see how they looked. That is the weirdest crap I have ever seen, and felt. My fingers look messed up, and they looked like they were vibrating. and my hands felt the way they looked. Anyways, to make the rest of this story short. The car got stuck on something, And while trying to get it out I woke up.
The 2 things that caught my attention the most were that 1) everything became clearer with just the intention for me to make it clearer. I did have to say"increase lucidity" but I am pretty sure I could have said “abrakadabra” and it would have worked. and 2) I felt what I saw, when I looked at my hands they felt the way they looked. I am almost positive I was laughing my ass off the whole time!
This was a great experience, This was my 2nd LD this month! I like it, I like it Alot!