great… ive been looking for those books forever. Excuse me, im gonna have a lucid dream now. Gnite
I too, have an easy time getting LDs, but I am yet to keep one for very long. I got my first LD on my fourth try, but 1.5 months and 5 more LDs later and I still can’t keep one for more than a few seconds.
Gimmeh! lol jk, could I have a copy please? (oh, asked nicely yah gotta do it now jk)
if you have the time
I think staying calm is very important, if you get too excited (which is easy) you just wake up.
ZeroSky, could u be so kind and send it to me too? It would be great if u could
I had my first LD somedays ago to, and experienced exactly the same as you. Hope ill have one more tonight . GL further
wezelon ye but unfortunately it was my only one
I’m practicing like insane but I just dont get another one
even though I’m scanning my environment all da time (as contex is my dreamsign category)
i find making stuff blow up grounds me in the LD and then looking at my hands preforming a number or reality check’s to stay lucid. random acts that can be distracting can keep you in your dream. but make them to distracting adn you will lose the DL.
Would someone be so kind as to send me a copy too? Thanks
simply buy it ^^
Do you have the PC version Zero?
Hey zerosky, do you remember having any lucid dreams when you were little kid? I remember having tons all throughout my life, especially when I was really young, about 4-7 years. I guess if you don’t remember many childhood dreams it must be pretty exciting to have a ‘first ld’. Which brings me to my point:
VisionDreamz I dont remember so much when I was ~4 But I remember having had several dreams in my childhood where I knew I was dreaming but didnt know to control them, it was only fun to do whatever ya wanted without having to fear any consequences
But I had also sum dreams where I didnt know I was dreaming but could control everything (performing magic and such stuff) that was awesome and thats actually the reason why I finally decided to search the internet for info bout ‘controlling your dreams’ hehe