First full control lucid dream

You know I heard bout lucid dreams bout 2weeks ago and joined this nice forum :wink:
After some (about 3) very slight lucid dreams b4 without really knowing what it is I got that great LD yesterday nite :happy:
Just 1day after I’d bought LaBere’s Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming :content:

A woke at 5am that moring and went immediately back to sleep (WBTB) then I noticed that my TV was somehow reflecting some very weak light to the wall next to my bed.
I thought it was just cuz of the digital clock of my stereo but then I considered being sleeping.
Unfortunately I thought this was cuz I was falling asleep but still performed a RC (I held my nose) and: I COULD BREATHE! INSTANTLY I was overwhelmed by the feeling I got and could even FEEL my room! I also started to fly and rubbing my hands but it was soo wonderful that I couldnt hold my dream and awoke :sad:

Anyway it was the best feeling I ever had in my life and so I wanna get it again :happy:

And again thanks for all the help of you peeps I doubt I had passed this without your help, this forum indeed roxx! :content:

Congratulations ZeroSky :wink:

You will now come in contact with a whole virtual world where the only limmitations is your imagination :smile:

Great! :ok:

Well done :happy:. I didn’t actually help you at all (been away). But still… you can thank me if you want :wink:.

Awesome!!! Now, it will only get easier!!!

You are now greedy for Lucid Dreams :razz: As is everybody else who has had one.

hehee…so true bendrummin!

congrats on your first LD!
wishing you many millions more

Hehe thx from ya all :cool_laugh:
Another question: That nite I fell asleep at 0:30am my alarm rang @ 5am (as it did for 8days now) (so 4.5hrs to have REM there) then WBTB

Last night I fell asleep at 11:30am and set my alarm to 4am but the result was a very weird dream there (I dreamed I was in a Cartoon but didnt notice it dammit ^^)

Now my question: shall I keep my alarm for 5am (as it used to be) or 4am to awake during REM?

Hope you understand what I mean :wink:

Honestly, you should wake up 6 hours after you fall asleep. Waking up too soon causes you to wake up in the 10 min REM, which is followed by a NREM sleep…not good. :smile: Best to wake up later when you have REM for the rest of the time.

I remember my first dream was like that. But it was in black and white. Back then I didn’t know about spinning.

ye hope the next one will last longer :wink:)
It was just too great :cool_laugh:

im so jealous… :cry:

i hope to have a LD soon :smile:

you will kraid. just keep working hard on methods and stay focused. not trying to brag…but i had another LD last night :razz: it was pretty kickass. heheehe. GL to all!

i’m also jealous…
hey, ZeroSky , where’d you buy that book? and is there a german version of it ?

I’ll join that jealousy club.

hey Lateralus…you don’t need the book. I have a pdf version of it. I can send it to you through email or messenger if you want.

Also…for those of you who are jealous and not having any LDs…I highly recommend using WBTB with MILD and WILD. Gives you like a 80-90 percent chance of a LD. Check it out :smile:

Congrats on your LD! :cool:

Things only go up from here now, trust me. Once you get the “thirst” (hehe, I sound like blade :tongue: ) your lucid chances and dreams only increase.

Happy dreaming.

Hm dont be jealous, didnt have a 2nd one in 10 days now :confused: hope it wasnt my last 1 ^^

To the book: I dont think there’s a german version, I’ve bought it from Amazon (EUR 17,50)

Finally got my 12 dreams for my DD ^^ :smile:

whoa , that would be so cool , if you could send me the book through email , bendrumming . thanks , i really appreciate it. :content:

i’m not sure , if you can see my adress in my profile , anyways it’s :

thanks again

Ok…I’ll send it now :smile:

If you’re still looking for the book, check here:

Thanks , but i’m already reading :smile: .