First LD in many years!

2 days after reading this site, I got my first lucid dream in 7-8 years! It didn’t last that long (10-15 seconds approx.), but it was a great feeling to be able to LD again!

I woke up too early, so I decided to fall back to sleep again. Suddenly I was standing in my room and it was a bit blurry.
I realised that I was asleep because I saw a weak image from my IRL eyes (I think my eyes were totally closed when I slept). I got a strange deja-vu feeling, and I decided to break some laws of the physics. I walked in my room and was leaning 60-70 degrees without holding on to something. I thought “cool!”, but I had to get up early that day, so I concentrated on moving my IRL arm a bit to wake me up.
During this short dream I noticed that my window had no curtains, and that my computer was missing. But I didn’t pay much more attention to details, because didn’t have much time.

I hope there will be more lucid dreams to come :smile:

Congratulations on your lucid dream :beer:

May this be one of many more to come.

Happy Dreaming

1337 Great to hear that u had your first lucid dream since a long time!

Lets hope u got soon 1337 lucid dreams to share with us all :grin:

my 1337 hackzorz will pwn j00!

…ahhh I remember those days

After 7-8 years? Impressive! Must have been awesome to experience it again after such a long time :content:

Congrats and good luck with your next LDs!! :happy: :ok:

It really was an amazing experience…when I woke up my heartbeat was around 120, and it had been calm during the dream…I thought that I must do this more, because I remember how fun my lucid dreams were when I was younger…

you certainly will have more LD! :cool: