Hey guys!! I had my first ld this morning. I say it here because it’s related to VILD. I have to say that is the first time I use this method and it’s just 2 weeks since I’m trying to ld. I’m no good at all at visualization. So I tried VILD with a simple image of a friend of mine, sitting, which asks me to do RC, I do it and it proves I’m dreaming. In some minutes I fall asleep (11.30 in the morning ). I dream a totally different scene in which I’m in an unknown place, sitting on a sofa, with a lot of friends around. In this dream I’m trying to have my first LD, and my friends ask me to try in front of them, trying to help me to stay relaxed. I again try VILD in the dream, with a scene resembling me on the way to my friend’s house. I go on making my reality checks and they really help
I’m in my friend’s house even if it’s not the place I know to be my friend’s house. I remember to do my check. So I close my eye and not see the nose. Ok, guys, this is strange but I wear damn glasses so it’s difficult to see your nose. I’ll close it with my fingers and see If I can breath. Well I cannot breathe…or… well, I breathe, not very well, but I breath… and suddendly I remember that I’ve got a little hill in these days and upon going to bed I was complaining because I couldn’t breathe well. Yes, I got lucid at last…and suddendly images began to fade. I remembered ways to stay conscious. First I looked at my hands but I was too excited and I felt images fading. So I hit the wall with a hand to try to keep me awake, but no results. At the end I tried to spin but, while spinning, I lost consciousness and awake. But, funny again, I awakened on the sofa of the first dream really excited that I had my first ld
sorry, this was intended to stay in the
VILD…Visually Incubated Lucid Dream
topic… I’m quite shure I was in there when I posted my reply…