i took a nap some time ago today and i felt my whole body vibrating then i ended up in a dream but it was ssoooo real! i flew from my living room to my comp room but then woke up…the feeling of flying really was AWESOME!!! im trying to do astral projection…any suggestions??
I do not now much about astral projection but I must say I am really pleased to see how happy you are about your first lucidity. I recognise myself in it and can see the joy, amazeness and happyness back. Congratiulations!
Congratulations on your first LD
The main thing I love about being lucid is that everything seems so much realer than normal life. The colors are just so vibrant and the landscape is perfect. Also when I fly the wind is so life like I can feel it all over my body. Last time I was flying over a river and the wind was freezing.
@ andriodcooler
Well done It sounds like you might have WILD-ed rather than astral projected there. I don’t have much experiance with AP / OBE / OOBE but I believe there is a helpful topic on it in the beyond Lucid Dreaming Forum.
Well done on your first LD! Congratulations!
Well it should be much more real since your brain is creating the “avarage” world. Everything is just as normal is it can get, and you don’t see a crack in the road or a risp in the wood.