Sometimes when I AP, it feels like blood is rushing to my head. Does this happen to anyone? I dont know if its my physical body, or if its my astral body, that is feeling this sensation. I worry Ill have a anurezum. What causes this?
Do you mean this happens when you do an ¨OBE¨, from WILD or from LD? If so, it is very likely that you feel the blood in your physical body since 1) you are not ¨outside¨ your body and 2) during such an experience we often feel bodily sensations. It might be caused by you becomming excited?
It happens during OBEs, so does this mean that it is dangerous. It feels so bad, my whole head feels warm, and it feels like its about to pop. Should I be worried? The “head rush” sensation dosnt happen all the time, but when it does happen its usualy a powerfull OOBE, as far as my astral body feeling strong.
Hmm in my opinion you are not really travelling outside the body (merely a mental issue), so wether the OBE is powerful or not, I dont think that matters. It could only matter in so far that if you got very excited, blood runs faster and youre head becomes a red balloon. Dont think thats very healthy but then again, its not really bad either as long as you do that not whole day long. Therefore, Id say the only solution is to relax as much as possible, and if you really feel that it might harm you then you should probably stop as it is never good to ignore your feelings.
I had a wild night of LDs, and APs lastnight. I had one LD that lasted atleast an hour. (the longest Ld Ive ever had) anyway… I had a AP about 6 am, and the diffrence between LDs, and AP is that it is so hard to talk. Its hard to move my lips. Does anyone else have this problem. How do I communicate?
It may take practice and concentration, but you can talk anyway you prefer.
Personally I find telepathy better than verbalisation.
It’s hard to speak out loud in LD’s too. You generally have a very strange voice. As Mohegan said, you can use telepathy.
Im not usualy violent in my LDs, or AP expirances, but the other night I had a OBE, an for some reason I attact this person. When I “woke up” I felt a little scared, because I have respect for the astral planes. I felt like I shouldnt have done it. Attacking someone in a LD isnt so bad, but it feel diffrent i n tha astral planes. I allways feel like Im being watched when I AP.
Hey, aren’t you the previously known 9D-Issue?
Well, in the first place, congrats on the OBE; coincidentally, I’ve been wanting to have one for a while, so I’ve been doing research on it. Hmm, it’s a bit odd that you’d just attack someone. Let’s just hope that you didn’t attack a fellow astral traveler; you might have just scared them out of their minds, ensuring that they will never want to AP ever again!
I can’t speak in APs, I just use telepathy.
How long was your longest AP? (For me it was about 10 minutes)
I think this is because he astral plains is more for everyone than for yourself and lucid dreaming is the opposite
[mod]This is part III of the BIG OBE topic.
part II
part I (in the archive - members only)
I never understood the Out of body experience, what is it exactly? Im very confuzed on that, sorry but could someone please explain it to me?
Maybe this will help
an OBE, or astral projection is when your out of the body.
kinda hard to explain… but i’ll try my best
Basically, your physical body is asleep, while your astral body or dream body is awake.You can move around, and go to places with these bodies.And the whole time you do this, your physical body will be asleep.Some say OBE’s are just LD’s. I think there real and nowhere close to dreaming.
An OBE is like remote viewing?
so does it mean you can leave your body? And can you explore the world around you, as everything really happens? Or is it just like being in a LD?
The two are considered to be related, which is why it surprises me that you know of remote viewing and not of OBE. Usually in an article about one subject, the other is mentioned. I dug up a Wikipedia article on OBE for more information, and if you look in the contents, remote viewing is mentioned! Here’s another article on remote viewing in case anyone is interested.
Hmm, thats cool
If you belive in astral-like thingys, your soul is leaving body. However soul is tied to body by silver cord, so nothing can happen to your body, for example another soul enter your body. Olny death breaks cord between body and sould.
To get OoBE, you need to WILD, but when got buzz in ears, etc, you have to somehow move your astral body (soul) out of phisical body. Soul can move across walls etc, you can even “feel” texture of it. And you can see real people doing things, they actually do. But cord mostly is very short, allows olny to fly in room or house
I am not believing too much in astral thingy. Some of it could be right… but making everything effect of astral looks even funny. Half year ago I saw a page about Biblie and it’s infuence on OoBE ! :lach2: . Anyways, I heard also that there are possibilies of getting in really deep troubles by OoBE. Astral thunder breaks silver cord, larvas suck life enery out of you. Dunno it’s real or not. I wondered about one thing :If someone died because of that - not care how, just died because of that - there is no way that person could say us about it.
And non-believes in whole astral says that this is a miracle, something not real. OoBE could be a dream - way you are getting it is same way you are getting lucid dream - this is a WILD. It also can be some state of mind.
I couldn’t make it shorter - sorry if it’s too long.
Thats not too long, thanks very much duck, that was really helpful for me. So if OoBE is true, that means you can’t go far right? Since the silver cord is too short. You know if heaven is real, don’t you think you could see it in an OBE? Becuase they say only souls see heaven.