I want advice for my strange experience

Firstly what you are expereincing is called percog. or precognitive dreams. If i have read what you have written above correctly.

I precog as well and so does a great deal of people i know, its more common then people give it credit for, so please do not feel like you are alone, most people just do not wish to seem different and talk about it.

I have not had an expereince as long as yours though, you may have more tallent in it then most, something i would seek to develope if i were you.

To answer your second question. It appears you are having a lucid dream induced by a WILD, although it is entirly possible that you are also having an OOBE or astral projecting. There are many topics on this form about such things, i suggest you read them to answer some of the quesitons you may have.

[url]AP question...] this is a link to the current OOBE topic.

Lucid dreaming is a common occourance to alsmost everybody in their life at one stage or another. But here you will find many people who lucid dream, infact this is what this forum is for.

should you do something? yes indeed you should. Nurture this, embrace it, it is a gift. You are a lucid dreamer, an astral projector. Welcome, learn and enjoy.

