I want advice for my strange experience

Hello everybody, I`m Plam from Bulgaria, Europe and I please excuse my poor english.
I want to share my strange story and to ask you if you know what it can mean or is there anybody like me!?

When I was 12 years old (1995) I used to dream many times one dream with completely unknown people. After 2 years (1997) I met this people and the place, even the sounds were absolutely the same as in my dream. It was like deja vu. Like a movie I had seen twice. In the next year I had two more deja vu like this. And then they stop for a long time, even I was forget about it.

Till now. They came back in November 2006. I began to have deja vu for 2-3 hours and the culmination came in the New Year eve, it began on 30 December 2006 , and end on 2 January 2007, when I go to bed, I haven`t slept for this 4 days, this deja vu longs 96 hours, and I had dream about everything which happen in these 4 days when I was 10 years old.
And now I have such experience time to time, but not for that long.

I start to wonder what can mean this, are the people, who participate in this, the important element, or the days…Im a little scared because I start to think: "If I dream this people years before I met them, is that mean everything is predestined?" Please, if anybody can tell me something about this, explain it to me, Ill be appreciate!

And the second part of my story
I have these dreams, when fell asleep but Im awake in my dream and I do everything in full consciousness Very often I fly and its the most amazing thing ever to feel your body without gravitation and to control the fly as you wish.
Is this sort of astral projection? And why this happen to me, should I do something?

Thank you and I`ll be appreciate for every answer and advice.

Firstly what you are expereincing is called percog. or precognitive dreams. If i have read what you have written above correctly.

I precog as well and so does a great deal of people i know, its more common then people give it credit for, so please do not feel like you are alone, most people just do not wish to seem different and talk about it.

I have not had an expereince as long as yours though, you may have more tallent in it then most, something i would seek to develope if i were you.

To answer your second question. It appears you are having a lucid dream induced by a WILD, although it is entirly possible that you are also having an OOBE or astral projecting. There are many topics on this form about such things, i suggest you read them to answer some of the quesitons you may have.

[url]AP question...] this is a link to the current OOBE topic.

Lucid dreaming is a common occourance to alsmost everybody in their life at one stage or another. But here you will find many people who lucid dream, infact this is what this forum is for.

should you do something? yes indeed you should. Nurture this, embrace it, it is a gift. You are a lucid dreamer, an astral projector. Welcome, learn and enjoy.



Hi guys,

don’t mean to hi-jakc the thread or anything but i was jsut curious.

When i was a teenager i used to have what you are calling precognitive dreams all the the time and used to regularlly remember dreams.

Now i can’t remember the last time i had a precog dream and i also barely remember my dreams at all. Hopefully a dream journal will help me with my dream recall.

But i am just curious, if i begin to remember dreams more will i also begin to have more precog dreams, just because i begin to realise them? one thing that boggles the mind is if i begin to remember pre-cognitive dreams so well then won’t this stop the events from occuring.

Sorry i am new to this (well kinda, used to try to reach lucidity 2 years ago) and jsut curious as to whether recalling more dreams will re-awaken my precog ability


i dont think that it will re awaken your precog ability, i think it will just make you aware of it.

See if you have a dream that your friend is going to be ain a car crash tomorrow at 3pm on such and such a road, you awake, and forget the dream compleatly. The next day your friend does have a car crash on that road at the time, but you cant remember the dream and teh event doesnt spark the memory there for you think you havent recoged.

same example, but this time you rememebr the dream and write it down, your friend has a crash and you know you dreamed it the night before and have proof etc etc.

The only difference is not your ability ot precog but to remember it. Work on your dream recall and you will find that you might be precoging more then you think, a dream recall is also an incredibly useful tool to lucid dreaming. Again howdo you know you have had it if you forget it.

in response to a question i forgot to answer.

well i know in answering this i could start a huge fight, but if i offend you then just dont bother writing back go blow off steam somewhere else.

I do not believe that everything is predetermined. you can view the future, but in acutaly fact i think you are just looking down a road of a lot of possibilities, and the strongest possibility stands out and that is the one you home onto and dream. Does it mean this is going to happen no matter what? no i do not think so, i do not believe that there is a higer force controling everthing that happens, but there is a force that is guiding, weather you realise it or not, you are heading down a path, but it is ultimitly your choice to the path you choose to follow.

Nothing is solid or set in stone, everything can be changed and altered.

in saying so, sometimes, no matter what you try and do, the thing that you tried to change will end up happening anyway, to this i do not have an answer other then the possibilties, for reasons out of our understand, where far to great for that particular event to happen