first lucid dream! ever

finally boys and girls it has happened to me…
and all i can say to those who havent reached their goal is to keep at it…

my first lucid dream ever!
this is how it went down…

I was in the middle of some regular dream, when i said to myself this is just like another dream i had, and thats when i clued in! My body became numb and I spun around as fast i could, but the spinning really didnt feel like spinning at all. When i stopped I was in a new dream in my old house. All i could think to do was go outside and run around. I didnt think to fly or anything like that. I just wanted to experience the world. I looked up at the sky, MARVELOUS! I ran up and down the street, then back into my house, flicked on and off some lights just to see what would happen, and nothing really did, there was a flicker but no real change in the light level.
Finally I thought to go talk to my father, for some reason I knew he was in the house downstairs, but with that thought it became harder to stay lucid, while tryin to keep my mind in the dream i slowly drifted back to wakin life.

then suddenly I was back on the couch where I had fallen asleep the night before…I did a check but no, this was real life…

I was very excited to come on here and spread my good news…

I dont think i ever really believed i could do it up until the last couple of weeks, now i know it can be done. Ill definetly come on here to share more experiences as soon as they happen.

cheers to all, and now my july lds = 1
kickin the month off with a bang!

congratulations !!! now it will be easier :smile:

i know the feeling, i had my first LD today too! and it was just great! i felt free &happy as never before…

so i can say too: july-1 :D)

cant wait to go dreaming again…

Good work you two!

I’m lucky that I’ve just always been able to LD.

By the way, did you give up on LDing? There seems to be some weird connection between giving up and succeding, for example an while ago I was trying to move a comb with my chi, I tried for ages, and when I stopped it spun!

actually i never really believed that i could really do it to…

looks like i didnt believe in myself.

my friend was telling me bout his LD and i loved his stories…so i tryed lots of times but nothing happened…

now they just came… :cool_laugh: and i know that from now on i wont stop trying till i improve myself as much as possible with my newest knowledge- IT REALLY IS POSSIBLE!! EVERYTHING IS!!

i wont stop, the feeling is just too good to be true…

In a way, being able to do this for my whole life is bad because I can’t experience the euphoria of the first LD. But yeah, although I’m hardly the person to say this, but you should believe in yourself.

Well, I didnt really give up…
I just kind of accepted the fact that it may never happen. But now that I know I can do it…who knows where Ill go with it!

I still havent had another LD but its only the 5th. Im off to bed soon, hopefully Ill have something new and exciting to report in the morning.


3 months of failure so far :grin:… but im still trying

i woke up this morningdissapointed cause nothing new happened…i had regular dream where i was talking about LD with my friend which already had many LD. unfortunally i dont remember much of it, he gave me lots of advices though…

how do i prepare myself to another LD?? im starting trying the methode of looking my hands while awake…

no no no…i cant be too impatient!! :smile:

I think the key to getting a lucid dream is intention and being very tired when you go to bed.

If youre so tired you can barely stay awake its easier to allow your last thought to be “i will have a lucid dream” or something along those lines.
Even simply to remember your intention to dream and become lucid.

This goes along with thinkin that your last waking thought has some kind of influence on your dream state…I dont know how true this is…

All becomes easier with Time

hi! I also just had my first real LD

I was at school, and in a car on the oval? There was this nerd in the car aswell telling me about the memeory capacity of multi media cards or something lol. I tried to steal one but he stopped me. But i didnt really care so i tried to get out of the car… but it was moving so i said thats wierd why is the car moving. I opened the door and jumped out, walked up the path and started readin the label on the Card. I said to myself wouldnt it be cool if i couldnt read it properrly cos then i would be dreaming, but unfortunatley i could read it properly. I looked again and realised that infact i wasnt and that the words were u know, doing the normal change around, look wierd thingy that they do in dreams. … bla bla bla then i saod oh ok im dreaming. then!.. i found myself lying on the path, in the same position i was lying in bed. I said to myself ok lets just stand up and go for a fly. buttttttttttt i woke up. oh well! would have been cool to have a LD at school… the things i could have done.

oh yeah forgot to say… ive been trying for about 8 months! :sad:

check out the new avatar…oh yeah…haha

nothing new from me…still workin on dream recall, and i still havent had another LD…

I intend to have one tonight though…

good luck to all

Welldone bza20 and krayzee on your first LD’s

Just thought I would post some comments.

As you know recording your dreams is a major help. If you take the time to record your dreams and like once a week go back and read through them you are going to get resultz 10 times quicker. Relax when you get into bed and repeat to yourself some kinda saying like, “When I’m dreaming I will realize I’m dreaming and become fully conscious. I will recall my dreams in full detail upon waking up”.
I relax by taking 3 deep breaths, slow steady inhale and then just release like a tire letting all the air out. I clear my mind while doing this then repaet 3 times my saying. Then I just fall asleep and record my dreams.

If you do something like that with consistency and really apply yourself you will be amazed at the results! Sure you loose a little sleep cause if your doing it right, you’ll end up recording 2 - 3 dreams a night. Do this and your well on your way!

Ther are rewards along the way even before you have a LD. Like for example I’ll never forget the feeling when I awoke one morning and started to record the dream I was just having. As I recorded this dream in detail when I got close to the end SURPRISE! There was another dream that surfaced in detail so I strated to record that dream. Ther was another one below that dream. I ended up recording 3 dreams that morning. It took like 1 - 1 1/2 hours to record them. Now believe me when this happens you can literally feel yourself working backward through your mind. It is an awesome feeling. These were 3 separate dreams, something else you just know. It was like turning pages in a book and then jumping to a new chapter.

oops…sorry for rambling

Congrats bza20 and Krayzee with your first lucid dream!

Make a to do list for your next ld what u wanne do and explore! :wink:

bza20 and Astralman0 cool avatars!

And Astralman0 your right, normal dreams can be very rewarding :cool:
And also tell u a lot about yourself and can be very creative :smile:

Do u ppl watch out also for pre lucid dreams?
Those are great to :smile:
And a sign you could be close on breaking through on having many lds.

i think the day before the night in which i became lucid I was reading through my old dream journal.
Im not totally sure but, almost positive I was.

If so that could be what helped me get lucid. I havent been writing in the journal lately…maybe i should start it up again and read through from time to time…


One thing I noticed that when you’re coming close to lucid dreaming, a lot of your dreams are 1st person, and near wakening, its almost as if you realise that you’re dreaming anyway, but you just don’t say anything.

Here are the methods that have worked best for me. I just started this combination 3 nights ago, and have had 2 LDs over those 3 nights. Here is my reasoning:

-Do lots of nose RCs during the day, these are easiest to perform during a dream. As others have said about doing them at certain times only, I beg to differ. I do them at random intervals (however I always do them in front of a mirror: I always seem to have one in my LDs), IMO that makes it more likely that you’ll perform one in an LD. But of course, you may find it easier for your sub-C to remember set ones.

-Do MILD along with visualisation at night before falling asleep. This stimulates your sub-C, and hopefully if you didn’t get distracted, your last thought at night will be of LDing.

-For me, Chaining Dreams works best. Its the method of re-entering the dream-world shortly after waking up from a dream. I haven’t entered the same dream anytime I’ve used this, but a different one, in which I’ve performed an RC, and became lucid.

-Truly believe that you will have one. Don’t get angry or frustrated if you don’t, just take a “Next time definetely” approach. Believe during the day that you will actually have one.

Good luck with LDing.:wink:

Good post ags_rule! :wink:

had another 1 last night!!

but it was wierd cos when i became lucid, it wasnt like the first time (where it hit me like a tonne of bricks). it was kinda disapointing because i just realised i was dreaming and went on with things. I started walking outside and every time i felt i was drifting out of lucidity, i would rub my hands together and say stuff like increase lucidity or whateva. then outside, i tried to fly, but that was an imbarrasing event, i tried to put on a jetpack but it wouldnt appear.

i would say over all i didnt have much control over the dream. after trying to fly, i couldnt really think of what else to do (which is wierd cos im always thinking of cool stuff to do IRL then i get to a LD and… nothing) ohh well. after all that i came inside and went onto the computer and for some reason thought that maybe if i come onto the forum and try to post something, it will be on when i wake up. so i started putting in my username and password, which was extremely hard cos the words kept changing around. so yeh after that i gave up and i guess drifted into a ND.

The thing that i dont get is that i didnt have much control over the dream and it wasnt as clear as the first time.