It was strange, because usually people talk about how false awakenings cause them to lose lucidity. This was my first false awakening in my life that I can recall. I got out of bed, and was having a hard time keeping my eyes open, so I sat on the edge of my bed and thought “this feels kinda like a dream”
Anyway, I stood up and decided I would try to levitate. I closed my eyes, and although I wasn’t actually floating (I could still feel my feet on the ground) I DID get this floaty feeling in my body. This confused me and I still wasn’t sure wether I was dreaming or not. Suddenly, while I was still standing there, I could feel my bed against my back, then a second later woke up a few feet from where I was standing in my dream.
Now, the next night, I was dreaming all types of crazy stuff. Out my window I could see a giant tower billowing smoke. Then I raptor from jurassic park was chasing me around my house. finally, I was driving home and like speeding around dodging cars, and loving every second of it, and suddenly I had to stop for this line of semis. I joined some sort of highway club because I couldn’t find my way home, but eventually I ended up home anyway. So I walked into this room and suddenly it hit me - “I’m dreaming”
I immediately tried to keep myself calm so as not to wake up from the dream. but it was too late, I could feel myself waking up. For some reason, I couldn’t remember the spinning around or rubbing hands together methods at the time. So anyway, I guess this is my first technically lucid dream.
to all the LD vets here. . . do you think I’m on my way? after this day, I had like one dream the next night then maybe 2 dreams throughout the next week (much lower than my average). I think it may have due to my nervousness about getting a job, and just being too lazy to think about lucid dreaming writing in my dream journal. I’m hoping that because I’m over the stress and have regained my interest in lucid dreaming, I might become lucid again and possibly keep from waking up when I do.