first lucid dream

wow i just had my first lucid dream last night :happy:
ive been going for about two weeks only trying to get better at dream recall but seeing it was christmas day i thought i would give a shot at trying to become lucid as i have been having a slump of 4 nites only remembering fragments

so before i went to sleep i just kept repeating "i am dreaming " till i fell asleep but just entered a normal dream
i became lucid by doing my first reality check though ive been trying hard to do them in the past couple of days in preperation

only problem is it still feels a bit cloudly becuase it still sort of feels like all that happened was that i dreamt of being lucid only because i had an insane feeling when i became aware i know it was real

anyway im really happy and quite suprised as i only just planned to try and become Lucid after the new year so maybe i got a bit of christmas luck :smile:

congrats tracer!
what a nice christmas present! :smile:

now you have had your first, i’m sure more will follow :content:

Funny, usually for me I can’t have one the night before because of all the tension and excitement.

How long were you lucid and what did you do?

Congrats and good luck on having more!!

i may as well post the dream i was gonna make a thread in the dream diary but no point till i can get regular LDs so i thought would post my first lucid dream in hope of it getting my mind to have more

it started with a normal dream i was at school and a couple of friends said they were going to find an empty room and play a new xbox game instead of going to class. I went with them to the room but then decided to go to class instead but once i got to class i decided i would go play xbox instead and turned back to go to the room

Once i got there i was told by my friends that a swat team was coming to put a stop to us playing xbox at school so i decided we needed to defend ourself and found a m16 lying at the back of the room and shot as many swat guys as i could until i ran out of ammo they then proceeded to fight me throwing punches and kicks and out of know where i just looked at my hands and said I am dreaming

from here i had the most insane feeling and became very disorientated
but i managed to spin and rub my hands at the same time to stay in the dream then the room almost seemed to flip upside down and i feel to the floor realising i was in a old run down apartment or warehouse with nothing in it i decided i was going to jump threw a mirror and see where i end up i just ran at one i saw and jumped head first but it didnt work it just seemed like there were mirrors behind the mirrors and i just kept going threw them till i ended up back where i started did the same thing again but it worked and i ended up in a wierd store full of christmas and postcards

i decided to try and fly and climbed up a high shelve but once up their i thought it wasnt a good idea to jump and probably kill myself ending the dream so i hoped down and a nice lady at the counter gave me a rocket pack to use
i put it on and from there went back up the shelve but could not get the rocket pack started so the lady once again helped me and got it going
yet i couldnt really fly but only hover off the ground 1 meter at the most
i started getting frustrated and took the rocket pack off trying to fly by myself and although i could hover i still couldnt get up high and fly

from here the dream gets quite hard to remeber and i definitly start losing lucidity i go back into another room similar to the old warehouse i arrived in and here people talking

it was great experience and cant wait to have more
sorry for the lenght :content: