first lucid dreams

Hello everyone,

Early this morning between 9 and 11 (give or take), I had my first experiences with lucid dreaming. I say “experiences” because I did not have one LD, but I had four.

I was dreaming that I was in a room that resembled a court, and people that represented religion were in charge and deciding something important that had to do with me. Eventually, the jury ruled in my favor rather than in religion’s favor, and I was so shocked that I became lucid.

A few other things happened, (such as seeing a pizza oven in the dash of my car :happy: ) but I ended up going in and out of lucid dreams several times. At one point I decided to try and have an OBE, and I remember that I was able to feel my body “back in bed” and go back and forth into and out of the dream.

I wasn’t really super-conscious, but I was conscious enough of the fact that I was dreaming and I did manage to make a few things happen, such as flying backward through a wall and controlling objects in the air, although my control was not too complete.

In the end, I had 4 short LDs total, and a false awakening at the end where I described it all to my friend at his house! The funny thing was, I was not intending to have these LDs, because I had just given up on them due to lack of enthusiasm. I decided that I would rather just sleep naturally and I didn’t really care too much about my dreams and wanted to focus on some other things. This was an interesting experience, though, and thought I would post about it.

Whoa it’s pretty amazing to have a string of 4 LDs as a first LD experience!! Congrats! :cool_laugh:
Now that you’ve experienced lucidity, I guess you’re full of enthousiasm again to get more LDs? :smile:

Hi Enlightend congratulations indeed!
Good u post it because ppl also then see that its also a spontanuous thing and u cant force it like if lding comes with remote control on your back :wink:


Hey guys!

Thanks for the response. Now that you mention it, mystic, I think that my enthusiasm for LDs has increased, but in a different way. Before, I was super-enthused about them, but now I have a relaxed, go-with-the-flow type attitude toward them, and I think that this subtler motivation is what helped. I guess it is the difference between forcing and allowing.

I hope that my post helps someone else somehow with their LD goals. I will continue to work on dreaming in the morning and work with what happened today. It’s much easier to be aware of dreams when I don’t feel like passing out dead :tongue:

Well done my friend! I had my first LD 2 nites ago :happy: