First lucidity, a kind of success...

Hi all, I found out about this site theree days ago, here is my little story about my lucid dream.

Three days ago…

I was browsing WikiPedia for “Dreams” which eventually led me to lucid dreams, then to LD4All. I browsed a bit and then joined the forum. I then decided I would try.

I watched a film then went to bed. I tried the WILD technique, but this failed, I completely forgot in my dream and did not achieve lucidity at all.

The next day…

I read up some more on the website and forums about WILD and MILD. I tried a little MILD and WILD. Twice during the day I tried tohave a nap and use WILD but this wouldn’t work - I wasn’t tired.

Throughout the day I looked at my hands and asked myself, “Am I dreaming?” regularly. Then the time came. It was 2am, and I got in bed. I tried and tried WILD, and half succeeded. I had a few seconds of lucidity then fell into a normal dream.

Towards the end of my “sleep”, I suddenly looked at my hands and said, “Am I dreaming?” to which I promptly replied, “Yes!”. I was simply amazed and over about 5 seconds everything gradually felt more and more real. I looked around, I was in my back garden. I looked up at the sky, it was amazing I simply can’t describe it. I then looked around. My dad was there, he looked pretty mad.

I spun around again and was in my garden again. It was the same except it had a load of flowers everywhere, and petals flying everywhere (like the end of MGS3 if you’ve played it). I saw a telephone pole and decided to climb it to get a better view. As I reached the top, I lost lucidity, and a minute later I woke up.


I made this post! I’m amazed I did it, that is probably why it only lasted about 60 seconds. But it was an amazing experience, I definetely want to do it again!

Does anyone have any tips on staying in a lucid state?

Watch your hands a few times… during the dream and assure yourself that you are dreaming. Congratulations by the way ^^.

Hi joe_042293! Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Waw! A DILD and quite a WILD the first days you tried… That’s impressive! You’re very motivated! Congrats! :good:

As Fadem said, stare at your hands from time to time in a LD. It temporarily increases your awareness and you don’t go back in a normal dream. If you lose visuals, you can rub your hands or spin. Spinning may transport you into another dream or even may lead to a FA (that’s why I’ve rather the rubbing hands technique). So, if you think you have awaken just after you spinned, perform a reality check!

I had a nap a few minutes ago, it was weird.

I was in a room, it was sort of made of metal and there was no door or anything, it was empty. There was no wind, no feeling at all except that I was on my feet. I was completely naked. :shy: I think it was like symbolizing that the room was empty or something. Anyway, I try to ram through the wall but end up on the floor looking up at the ceiling. Then it starts to come down pretty slowly.

Then it becomes a LD. I try spinning round but it doesn’t work. Then I try materializing a door, that doesn’t work either. At this time the ceiling is touching my head so I have to crouch a bit. I finally manage to materialize a metal box, and lie down. The box stops the ceiling and it breaks a hole in it. I go through and I think it was then that it became a ND.

I’m on a motorway (freeway) and I realise I’m still naked. I hide in a bush and I’m there for like an hour with everyone just driving by honking until I wake up - weirdest dream ever.

Does anyone know what it meant?

hehe, that is pretty crazy… I wish I could tell you what it meant but I wouldn’t consider myself a dream interpreter (maybe you feel like you’re world as you know it is coming to an end and would like nothing more than to find a way out and be as free as… well a freeway! wild guess by the way)

Congrats on your LD and welcome to the forum.

p.s. Metal Gear is THE best videogame series :cool: