First "REAL" Lucid Dream!!!

so far I have only been able too have tiny low level dreams but last night I had a High Level LD!!! it all started when I was Walking into a school and I forget how but I became lucid I went to This group of DCs and said stuff like who are you and I moved around my arms and stuff to make sure it was not just a dream about LDing. there was an anoying cricket that kept on going creek creek creek and I set it on fire (good times :grin: )


well done! congratulations. It mustve been fun. I havn’t has a controllable lucid dream yet. :wink: (pray for me :smile:)

Congratulations fishdabaz!!.
Dream Oracle, if you put a little effort eventualy you will have one


i had my first real lucid dream last night as well, it was so crazy and so life like. after I was lucid i said “i want to fly” and right then i was shot up in the air. oh boy i cant wait till my next one! :smile:

hey congrats fishdabaz, I know hat its like to finally get through to the LD! yes! way to go!

  • Silva

Congratulations fishdabaz and californiadreaming on your first lucid dream! :smile: And good luck for the next ones.

Congratz :smile: That’s nice! Hope you get more cool lucid dreams :wiske: