First Steps to WILD part III (Basic WILD Q&A)

gahh I feel like I’m sooooo close!!

I don’t know why, but ever since I learned about LDing, I had this gut feeling that WILD is the technique for me. I’ve successfully had SP and HI using this method but I can’t seem to get any farther than that…the most frustrating part is when I have the dream fragments, my mind wanders and I see images (this happens almost every night) then I get focused again and think “Oh, this is a dream fragment” then pop! it just disappears. And I’m laying there like :confused:. The feeling I have while WILDing is hard to describe, but it’s a very intense feeling of “This is working, I’m gonna LD tonight!” and I try to make that huge feeling into reality but it doesn’t always work out so well :wink:

Also, I read in an earlier post on this thread that WILD can only be successful after one wakes up, but I always experience HI and such at the beginning of the night. Does that mean no matter what HI or SP I experience, the LD won’t come? :eh:

And also, is it better to be tired before doing WILD or semi-awake…I find that if I’m tired I end up falling into a normal sleep before any HI comes… :help:

It is still possible to WILD in the evening but it is usually much harder to do than if you use WBTB or afternoon naps. As far as being tired, it will help since when you are tired you take less time to enter REM. :smile: You might like to try FILD if you fall asleep quickly, basically to stay aware you move your fingers. I don’t know if it will work for you, but I don’t use it because I tend to have trouble getting to sleep more than I do staying aware :wink:

yeah it all depends on the night for me, sometimes its hard to fall asleep and sometimes I fall asleep like BAM! =D thanks for the advice!

I believe the key to WILDing with breath counting is not to breath yourself consiously, but to let your body breath by its own and being aware of it. That can be tricky, or can be not, but that, I believe, is the example of the balance you must have beetween relaxation and awareness. I discovered it this afternoon, so I am going to test it now.

Im new here but,I would really like to become lucid :cry: I think that the WILD technique would really work for me. Here is some info about my sleep cycle…

I wake up everynight around 2:00 to 3:00
I fall asleep fairly fast every night
I am really good at remembering my dreams

So if you have any info it would really :help: Thanx!

Hi Hmesk06 :welcome: to LD4all :happy:
If you wake up at 2:00-3:00am naturally, it is a good idea to try and use WBTB with WILD, since it will improve your chances of success :smile: You might also want to take a look at the How to Choose Your Technique topic, as that contains a good guide to help you guide you to chose your technique. :content:

Okay Thanks! Here read this please:

i always set my alarm for around 4.5 hours after i fall asleep to do the other methods, but i wanna start trying to do WILD too.

the problem is, someone said you have to visualize something to keep you on track after the SP starts, but i can’t visualize stuff.

i’ve never been able to close my eyes and picture a sunset on the beach or anything like the stuff people always say to do. when i close my eyes all i see is black.

is the visualizing an important part?
also, does anyone else have that problem?

Visualizing is one of the methods you can use to keep yourself aware. You can also try various other things in place of visualizing, such as, mantras or counting. There are also techniques that are essentially WILD based techniques such as FILD. Using WILD with WBTB is a good idea since it will improve the chance that it will work. :smile:

Last night at around 1 am, I couldn’t sleep.

So I ran half a mile. Jumped into my bed and I noticed the process of falling into SP was so much faster. I also started to have extremely vivid visions and sounds.
I couldn’t hit a LD though, it was either my sleeping position or I was concentrating too hard. Because I was just laying there for about 1 1/2 hours. But I will say this.

Running definitely helped!

Its a long time since i posted anything here.
I have really tried WILD but havent gotten anywhere…
I keep falling asleep…

If you keep falling asleep there are a couple of things I can think of. You could try WILDing when you aren’t as tired. You could also try a different technique, to me it seems that some people aren’t as comfortable with some techniques used to stay aware. I don’t know if you are using it already but WBTB is supposed to be a big help too, or you could try afternoon naps.

So when I see HI am i supposed to be seeing them inside my eyes or in my mind. :confused:

I’ve seen this same question pop up in the past and I think what they said was that you see it in your mind. I’m not totally sure on this.

Well, I’m not sure how to explain it. HI is in your mind. But I guess it can get to a point where you can’t really tell the difference. It’s almost like if you’re using your eyes to look into your mind… not sure if this makes sense, but it’s how I feel about HI… lol

Hey guys im new here at ld4all!! I started trying to have a WILD about a week ago, and so far still no luck :sad: I had a couple things maybe you guys could answer…one is, when i am in SP, i always here my surroundings (Heater, T.V. from downstairs, Parents talking, etc.) Should i be hearing these things or should i be “zonked out” so that i cant here them?! Also, should i focus Really hard on the colored dots that i see, or should i put more effort into counting, because i find that i fall asleep when i count, but at the same time, focussing on the dots makes me bored :woo: Thank you so much, id appreciate the help :grin:

cause your eyes just capture light, the brain tells you what you’re seeing.
your brain just tells you you’re seeing things you see at work or your friends or whatever and you start believing it

Hi and :welcome:

You will still be able to hear the things in the background, what I suspect will happen is, when you transition into the dream you will no longer notice them, or they will be incorporated into the dream by your subconscious. Similar to how sometimes when you are woken by a sound suddenly, it might become a part of the end of your dream.

You need to “flow passively with the HI” so you should try to stay focused on your counting as the main aim of this is to keep you aware. Don’t try to ignore the swirling colours just let them develop without worrying or thinking about them too much. :smile: Hope this helps.

Okay ill try that! Thanks a bunch!!!

Hi everybody this is my first post! Well…

So last night I tried WILD a second time, I did it when I went to sleep then I woke up at a 4am and did it again… Now when I did it as I was going to sleep I got to the point of feeling numb and relaxed but then my leg twitched and I suddenly became “awake” so i tried again and my leg twitched again! and the same thing happened. Is it normal? is it part of the process?

So then I tried it at 4 am because I woke up to go to the bathroom, and I think I might have reached the HI part because I heard strange thump noises from upstairs that started slow and increased as I “fell” asleep but once I felt more “awake” the noise suddenly slowed and stopped. Am I close?