First Steps to WILD part III (Basic WILD Q&A)

Last night I got my second attempt at WILD I feel a little more tired than yesterday’s but oh well. So what happened? well I’ll tell yea. I was laying there relaxing telling myself to make sure i remember my dream and then I noticed I couldn’t move my legs and when I tried to move my hands they just twitched but I felt mostly awake so I tried to visualize something and I did. I saw a green spiderweb and It twirled around. It seemed it was only on the inside of my eyelid then I dozed off but I think I’ve made some progress from the first night eh? :content: By the way, of course I didn’t remember my dream it seems I haven’t been able to ever since I got this cold. :sad:

I only recently tried WILD and I have a question… If the HI are detailed enough for me to draw them, how close am I to lucidity? I know I’m closer than ever before because I finally know what SP feels like.

I honestly have no clue how I WILD’d before. I’ve done it about 2 or 3 times (one of them I had about 3 in a row though, through dream chaining). It was before I even knew anything about LD’s, and it just kind of happened because I was really tired, but kept consciousness. It was pretty crazy though.

Recently when I’ve tried to WILD, even using the techniques and what not, I haven’t been able to do it.

I’ve experienced everything associated with WILD except the hearing sounds . So I’m wondering is that supposed to happen, or does it only for most people. :confused:

Had my 3rd Lucid dream last night. once again, i lay back and relaxed without moving. Lately it seems I’ve been getting a bit lazy, so i try no techniques to keep my mind awake.
suddenly i feel my body succumb to the powerful buzzing of SP, and i realise i must’ve got carried away with my train of thought whilst lying down. I allowed the feeling to get more and more intense until i get the sensation that i am being pulled into the dream world. I try and roll out of bed and it works… but i thought that i rolled out of bed IRL! so i gave up :sad:

Luckily, i soon realise i am in a dream when i find myself at the bottom of my staircase. I think to myself ‘hang on, I was trying to lucid dream a minute ago… why am i- …oh! it must be a dream!’. I try and push my finder through my hand, and sure enough it works. I notice that everything seems to be unstable, at times i have full lucidity where everything looks absolutely real, other times it seems only like a daydream.
I walk into the living room and i notice that it looks like it did 5 years ago, and it is strange seeing the differences.

All the time i still never grasped that i could have dream powers, until i looked around the room and thought ‘hey, why not try and walk through that window?’ the moment i thought this, my vision turned from what was more of a concept of a room, with different perspectives to a my own vision, like in real life. This sudden change amazed me, and the windows suddenly opened themselves, allowing the crisp outside air to hit my face (this felt very real :smile:). i climbed out of the window, and acting on instinct leapt into and decided to fly! my vision faded soon after this, but it was a great experience nonetheless.

It is strange feeling the difference between the daydream like feeling and vision I had at the start of the dream to the lifelike experience i had towards the end. looking back, my first and second lucid dreams were probably only these ‘concepts’ and not the real deal that i experienced this time round. I did notice that i never really felt like i was making an effort to walk in either of the first two dreams, more like i imagined where to go and i was taken there.

does anyone else know what i mean? :happy: lol

And to add, trying WILD right before going to bed makes it even harder so maybe if u set an alarm around like 4 or 5 and then trying it you will have more luck.

i tried WILD for the first time at about 6am after being woken up by something… and i found it LOTS more hard to concentrate, i just kept slipping off over and over and forgetting completely that im dreaming.
each time i went directly into a dream, each time i was repeating to myself “i am having a lucid dream” …and each time i completely forgot about all of it…
it just seemed like i had no control over my mind when i was that tired.

That’s why I do WILD when I first go to bed and from what I’ve found, I get better results faster and it’s more convenient. :content: No offense to vanessa but I find it easier anyways. I try waking up at 3am but I fall asleep without even thinking about it in a very short amount of time. I would describe it as being so tired you really don’t care about LD at that moment heh. :wink:

haha none taken. You cant find a tech. that works for everyone

I find it interesting how a lot of people say WILD is quite difficult but I’ve picked it up considerably quickly. Wonder why that is. :confused:

lately ive been hearing a lot of mixed reviews on WILD and how it works for certain people… the first time i tried it i got considerably good results, seeing HI and the whole bit… but no lucid dream followed.
i try it every night while im falling asleep. each night i have great dream recall :smile:
although most if not all of my dreams are in the early morning, to just before i wake up. maybe the WILD has nothing at all to do with my dream recall after all?

I don’t think so, I seem to remember dreams if i go to sleep with only the intention of remembering and not trying WILD or LD.

I went to bed last night.I woke up bit later and my body was paralysed, It felt scary. I saw a dream, I was lucid but I couldnt concentrate on the dream, the fact that my body is paralyzed was too annyong, it felt too strange and i had to woke myself up. This was WILD, right(funny becouse I didnt want to try it that night)?
Any other comments? What didI do wrong?

I tried it the other night and I got a couple of spells where I could hear a kind of roaring or whooshing in my ears and like soaring stars kind of things in my eyes but then I kept losing it and ‘waking up’.

Was I doing it right (or was it just in my head/imagination) and what am I meant to do after the whooshing?

You were definitely on the right track. I’ve been in that stage more than I’ve gotten past it because I have the same problem: I just wake up. But if you manage to hold on and “sink” (I think of being in that stage as standing in the middle of a vertical spectrum: dreaming on the bottom and fully awake on the top) further and further from waking up, you’ll find yourself in a full-blown dream. That’s what happens with me anyway. It’s the sickest thing. One moment I’ll be going through all these weird sensations like I’m being tossed violently around the air while hearing the craziest of noises in my head and not having the faintest idea as to what position my body is really in, then BAM! It’ll be quiet, calm, and I’ll be standing or sitting somewhere in a dreamworld. It’s quite phenomenal to experience. As intense and scary as SP, if I’m lucky to not chicken out (which, ashamedly, is rare) the peace of the dream that follows completely counters it.

so ive tried wild a couple of times now, and i cant really seem to get past the feeling like my arms are detatched or something, usually when i count about 100 breaths. any advice on how to get further to sp?

well this is one of my first posts, so hello everyone. anyway, ive been trying wild on and off for a few weeks, and the farthest that I get is the odd feeling that my arms are not attatched, if you know what i mean. usually i just sit through this, but then it simply goes away :sad: any advice on what to do next?

p.s. sorry if this is in the wrong topic thingie

Welcome! :smile:

Well I don’t really practice the WILD technique, but when I do intent to do it I usually feel heavy or very light, I kind of start to spin… The other day I wasn’t even trying to get lucid and I experienced sleep paralysis…

How long have you been doing the WILD? If you have just started, then I think it’s normal, just keep practicing. :smile:

Yeah WILD is actually pretty hard to do. I’ve only done it a few lucky times when I wasn’t even planning to. It just happened. Every time I’ve actually planned to try and WILD, I haven’t been able to do it. I find I have to be really tired and know that I’m going to fall asleep, usually when I wake up randomly at night or early in the morning.

I agree, it’s definitely hard. I find it the hardest, but when it works out, it’s the most vivid/surreal (for me anyway.) I hope to improve it, but a few things are holding me back.

One being that I’m scared to sleep on my back because I feel too exposed. Anyone else feel the same? Like even the thought of flipping onto my back gives me the heebee-geebies. I’m also scared of getting old hag (oh yeah, it seems like anytime I’m on my back I SP) even though i wear an eyemask. Two is that I sleep very lightly on my back. Even though this is the most comfortable position for me to sleep in (I can nap during the day on my back no prob) I’m scared to sleep in it… .maybe thats why I sleep so light.

Fourth thing that holds me back is “rolling out” of the dream body when in SP. I don’t wanna do this in the middle of night because it’s dark, and I’m in a basement suite (with my sister). I guess I’m just chicken!! I realized that the other day how scared I am at night; of the dark, of lying on my back; of having a lucid dream in my room…

Any tips to overcome these fears so I can WILD better? (I can see this post being moved, but I’ll leave it on here)