First Steps to WILD part III (Basic WILD Q&A)

I actually have two ideas for you. For the first about feeling exposed, I recommend using more covers when you sleep. However, for any of your fears, you should really check out EFT. It’s kind of like a natural cure-all which can help you with anything from your fears to your cold. There is a video about it here. I’m probably not supposed to post that, but oh well. It can cure phobias, I’m sure it can help you out.

I have the same problem as you. I had a nightmare with the old hag thing before sitting on me. But, it wasn’t SP. When I woke up I jumped, a lot. I am VERY afraid of sleeping on my back, especially if I get SP.
But, uh…Slidzz, I might be making this sound worse…hehe…I don’t really have anything to suggest…so sorry

And this happened to me last night:

I just remember seeing HI, which it is sort of hard to explain how it looked. Sort of like fireworks going off in my minds eye. Then I felt like I was falling, then my dream camera zoomed out from behind me (it could of been my astral body…or what ever you call it). Then, I got too scared so I woke myself up.

I’m not sure if this was a dream of me doing WILD, or if I woke up in the middle of the night and accidently did WILD.

Im pretty sure this has been asked a ton of times but when I try to wild I don’t experience and HI I basically just lay there for ever, and im relaxed and everything so what should I do?

Sorry for posting two I messed up the other…I don’t have any HI when I try to wild.

Can you do WILD from preliminary sleep onset? Do you have to wake up 5-6 hours later?

You can do it from the beginning of the night, but the success rate tends to go down quite a bit. Another idea if you don’t want to wake in the night is to do WILD during an afternoon/early evening nap. :thumbs:

how does doing WILD during a nap make it easier to do?

This was kind of weird…I think I had a DILD, but only for a few seconds. After that I woke up WILDing. :confused: I think I became lucid after I heard the word Coke-a-cola. :content: To bad it did not last longer.

I am facing the exact same problem he is. As ImagineiTaLl said, whenever I try to WILD, I just kind of sit there really relaxed and stuff. Then after a few minutes my body goes numb. But the numbness usually only happens in my limbs. It starts with my fingers and then my toes and slowly works its way up my arms and legs and then stops at the torso.

I’ve tried watching the swirly colors, I’ve tried counting (I got too bored to go on after around 80), but every time I reach the same conclusion. No HI, no SP, no LD. Can someone help me?

Same thing happened to me. Became lucid, everything went black, then HH starting happening and I actually went back into a new lucid dream haha.

Other than what I mentioned above, I’ve only successfully preformed WILD from, as you put it, preliminary sleep onset, but I’m sure if I were to take a nap sometime I’d increase chances at lucidity.

I must admit I found the idea of counting unappealing too :bored: The other method that comes to mind is visualization. When I used it, I kept an image in my mind and used that to keep me aware. After keeping it in mind for a period of time, I got HI. :happy: I was actually trying to do something else, but this happened anyway :tongue:

I’ve been wondering is WILD really harder of you do it on your back or is it the same if you do it say on your side cuz i have trouble sleeping on my back but its possible.

As far as I know sleeping on your back only affects your chance of WILDing if it makes it easier or harder to sleep. So If you find it harder to sleep on your back then it probably won’t help to WILD on your back. I have heard a few people say that sleeping on your back can cause SP, I’m not so sure about this though.

I almost made it to WILD without intending for it to happen. While I was away, I took a nap in the afternoon. I was on my side and after ten minutes I started to get a speedy white flash in my bottom right corner of my vision (like a strobe light). It didn’t last long because when it happened I was just confused on what it was at that time. I moved position so it stopped because my eyelid was uncomfortable.

I have a few questions(might have been already posted, for the most part I kinda skimmed…)

Does anyone else get this kind of whooshing feeling/sound in their eyes and ears when they close their eyes? if so, what does this mean?

I used the 1 I’m dreaming, 2 I’m dreaming, etc… last night, and after awhile I saw this green thing, but slowly it began to take form into I would suppose a head, and I could see it like grinning, as I saw it’s teeth, am I on the right track?

Almost done, I have this problem with my eyes, usually my left. Sometimes when I lay down I feel the inner part of my skin below my eye start to tingle, so I have to mess with it until it goes away, this severely screwed me over this morning(3 am), anyway to stop this?

My biggest problem of course, is staying awake and aware, any tips for this?

Thank you.

Can WILD and MILD be combined? Because that’s what I’m trying – I try to stay awake but completely motionless apart from eyes, and mentally repeat my own mantra to myself which varies day-to-day. Also, when I repeat the mantra, as I become more tired, I start thinking random words into the mantra (eg. “I will realize that I have a dog – no, no that’s wrong”).

I’m not sure if you are referring to HH that you would occur as you slipped into dream, or Tinitus which would happen as you relaxed. From the description in the rest of your post I think you are referring to Tinitus. This is quite a command thing to feel as you are relaxing and doesn’t really mean anything other than you are relaxed :smile:

It does sound like you have experienced some HI there, this would certainly indicate you are are on the right track :grin:

I think you will have to get used to ignoring these sorts of thing. Once you take your focus away from them they should not bother you as badly. If it becomes unbearable it’s probably best to deal with the itch and continue trying to WILD, if you are stressed about it there is little chance of you getting to sleep.

This is the tricky part of WILD :wink: Other than look into different techniques and give them a try, and believe you can do it, I can’t think what to say.

I can’t see a reason why MILD and WILD can’t be combined. Although I don’t know how it would go focusing on both staying aware, and the meaning of the mantra. without doing both you are doing either WILD or MILD, at least to my knowledge.

So I had an extremely weird experience last night/this morning. I havent had a ld in a while now, but a few months ago i’d have one about every week for a few weeks. So last night, after making no attempt at all, i was in my dream nonlucid. I laid down in bed and i think i tried to do WILD. Now the weird thing is that i’ve NEVER EVER ever been able to get WILD to work in waking life and i’ve tried many times. So in my dream i decided to try WILD and of course i was still not lucid. So almost immediately my body goes numb, i start vibrating hard and i see intense hynogogic imagery (i’ve never seen HI in real life either). My body goes really paralyzed, MUCH more than i’ve ever had before in real life, like i couldn’t move anything but my toes at all, usually i just go numb. Sure enough, after a few minutes of changing colors and abstract images, i opened my dream dream eyes (that is the WILD dream eyes in my regular dream) and enter a WILD. Everything is very very vague and unclear and the afterimages of my hand are still there. I tried to clear things up by opening my eyes wider and sure enough, i woke up for real in my bed really numb and tingly.

Now my questions. One, was this an authentic WILD, or was i just expecting the WILD to happen and since i was in a dream, whatever i expected happened? So was the WILD just basically me altering my original dream and convincing myself it was WILD? and…
Was this a step in the right direction? Because i’ve always had DILDs and i’ve really wanted to learn to WILD but i’ve always been unsuccessful. Is this essentially how a WILD would go down?

I don’t think you could classify this as a WILD, since WILD stands for Wake Initiated Lucid Dream. If you were asleep already the definition doesn’t quite fit. It seems that you dreamed you were WILDing and that acted like a reality check of sorts. You expected to succeed in WILD (This is great, it shows you truly believe you can :grin: ) and in the dream our expectations are what happens, as a result of that though if WILD succeeds, you get lucid :wink:

What you experienced will be what you expect to experience should you succeed. This might be slightly different to what you actually feel, but should be a good guideline :smile:

Sometimes when i have tried to relaxe while doing WILD feels it like mye body begins to shake. I’m not really shaking, it’s just in my head. And it stops to shake if i do a move.
Does someone know if this is a good sign, and can i do someting to become Lucid from this shaking?