First time failed, need improvement

Hey guys,

Yesterday I found out about LD and I decided to try to go for a WILD. I took a comfortable position and closed my eyes repeating only two words in my mind- “Lucid dream”. I soon grasped the state of mind I was to be in if anything was to happen and after some time I started feeling the SP coming along. I embraced the feeling and tried not to loose focus. Eventually, I started feeling small spasms in my muscles, my breathing began to deepen, heartbeat accelerated and i could see the lights on my eyelids form some sort of vague pictures. And then came the breaking point. I started hearing voices, a child crying or something like that. It distured me, but that was not what broke my concentration. Shortly afterwards, a very distinct feeling of “passing through” my bed crept over my body, which was numb from the paralyzsis and no, I don’t know how that could make any sense. I moved slowly at first, but suddenly I swooshed fast for a second and that broke my focus. I felt having a short shock and my heartbeat was beating ever so fast. By the way, the heart beating so hard really made it hard to focus, any suggestions? Anyways, I fell asleep shortly and had a ND. Would any of you more experienced people have any comment on how close I was? What should I have done? I hear there some point where you have to “turn on” the dream by doing something. When is that point and what do I have to do? I would really appreciate some help, I really find the idea and possibility of LD’s extremely facinating.

Congrats for getting so far in a short period of time!
I’m not an expert on wild, so I can’t say exactly what happened, but stuff like that does happen, and has happened to me when I’ve tried WILD.
Just keep practicing, eventually you’ll come to expect it and it wont bother you.

You found out about LD yesterday and got this far in a WILD the first night? Some people never get this far even with much training.
I don’t think you need help right now, just keep practicing :smile:

So there’s no clear way to turn on your dream? Do you simply lastly slip into it? Do i need to think about a possible scenario? Or woud that distract me too much? Also, is it okay to open your eyes during SP and Hypnagogia? Or will it distract me?

hi and welcome :wave:

man, you were REALLY close. conrgats :happy:

There are a few “ways” to enter a dream. One you could try is simpy focus your attention on any image you see. Focus gently, don’t force the image to stay clear. If it vanishes just keep looking for a new one. Stay passive. Focussing on the HI will help keep your attention form the heartrate and breathing, a little, at least. It’s also a matter of practice to get used to all these new feelings. If you succeed at this, the images should get clearer and clearer until you simply feel THERE.

Just don’t give up, some people take literally years to get that far! :wink: Good luck and feel free to post any other questions

well last night didn’t crack it either, I failed to fully concentrate, as many things were on my mind that night. Now that I think about it, it wasn’t exacly the best night to have a LD. I did make it to SP, but I lost focus during the midst of the hypnagogic stage.

However, my second fail has made me realize that I need a solid mantra or something… A better technique in order to keep focus and keep unwanted distractions out of my head throughout the SP and Hypnagogic stages and repeating “Lucid Dream” in my mind seems to sometimes just make it all the harder. Does anyone have good advice on the best ways to keep focus during each stage individually? Is there an area (like the heart, hands, ect.) that is best to focus on in order to stay awake and focused? Have I made a mistake choosing “word-repeat” as my primal concentration technique? Because I feel so…

Share some wisdom, people. I know practise might be all that I really need, but I honestly could do with some advice concerning keeping focus, I can’t be clear-minded ever day, especially not during this period of my life (exams, uni stuff). By the way, concerning breathing, should I breathe through both the nose and mouth? :help:

I’ll make WASD’s words my own.

There’s plenty of answers around the web for everything you’ve asked here, I suggest you do some research (which also helps in focusing your intent to LD).

But, some quick answers for now:

  • Heartbeat: Scientific approaches show this is only in your mind, many sleepers say they feel quick heartbeat, which can be scary, but it isn’t happening if measured by eletronic devices. Your body has no need for a quick heartbeat when it’s most relaxed and falling asleep. People say this is due to an increase the heart chakra activity.

  • The point you have to “turn on” your dreams can be achieved in different ways. Research and find the one most suitable for you. I personally don’t like visualizations (imagining a scene, etc), which inclines me most to the “rope method” or things like this.

  • Opening your eyes doesn’t seem good. Some people say this wouldn’t even be possible in SP , but I don’t really feel SP during WILD , so who knows… Open it if it seems correct and helps you relax even further, else, try to keep it close, but don’t fight it if it becomes an urge.

  • Mantras: You did pretty well with them on your 1st night, I’m sorry it wasn’t so on your second try. The thing with them is not to focus on them too much - else you won’t try to lucid dream, you’ll just be relaxed and repeating the mantra. It’s just supposed to keep you awake, not to grab your primary attention, which should be in your perception, that gradually changes when you’re falling asleep.

  • I like focusing on the heart, but I"ve read many texts which say there are better chakras to focus on, and only one guy here at ld4all that uses the heart. Again, do some research and experimentation, see what works for you. My personal recommendation is the heart chakra.

  • Breathing: I’m not sure. I personally use the nose. Being relaxed sometimes makes me shift from it to my mouth though, which actually distracts me… So, I don’t know… Won’t you let me know if you find something about it?

  • Most important: Yes, you can be clear minded everyday. And you should, not only for lucid dreaming purposes, but for your overall focus on life. Build your daily routine so you can take 5m now and then just to breath, take a look around and see how the world is there and is calm and quiet despite every crime, war and your exams. If you do it, I’m sure your exams and life will quickly seem less troublesome :cool:

Congrats again, keep us updated with any doubts you may have!

great post, tukkek :wink:

and for information on WILD I really recommend the video he posted above and the rest in that series.

Thanks Mattias, hope it helps LucidLuke and others… When I started WILD ing, others here helped in the same way - the least I can do is help too :smile:

Last night I was too tired and fell asleep so fast that I didn’t even bother to WILD. Anyways, I have watched the Lucidology 101 and i have to say I feel much more confident now. By the way, does anyone know where i can watch 102?

Oh, and before I go to bed, would anyone mind explaining me the “rope method”, please? :smile: I don’t find it difficult to reach the SP or the Hypnagogic stages (although I do find it pretty hard to recognize it, as far as i’m concerned- it’s when I see ligts very actively form circles and other things that are close to shapes of uncertain objects. Also, the darkness I see with my eyes closed becomes much more…deep, in a sense). I find it difficult to enter the dream itself.

wish me luck, friends. I might try combining WILD with WBTB, that should increase my chances :grin:

Lucidology 102 costs, you can buy it at

The rope method is mainly for OBE’s i think. You imagine a rope hanging above your bed and use your imaginary hands to pull your (imaginary) body up.

The rope method is a technique created by Robert Bruce for inducing out-of-body experiences, but I guess it also works for WILD . I’ve found a text from his website about it, but haven’t read it myself… Hope it helps = )

Again goodluke (pun intended) and dreams!

Hey guys, back with another update on my Quest for Lucidity :happy:

Just when I thought I wasn’t making any more mistakes, I go ahead and find out that I actually am. I have been having trouble with reaching full SP lately. I know it prolly ain’t obligatory to enter full SP in order to go Lucid, but I find it much easier to focus on “the nothing” (awareness) when my body sends no distractions and better yet- when i can’t feel it at all. But as I said- lately i’ve been having trouble. Partial SP would come quite fast, but I took notice that my head and neck are still “sticking out of the water”, if you will. Such a contrast sends immense distraction to me and I haven’t been able to find out what was going on until now.

The culprit- saliva. All the times I’ve attempted WILD besides the first (and the most sucessful so far :shy: ), I would press my tongue towards the upper part of my mouth instead of the lower part, as I did the first time. This would cause me to encoutner frequent swallows that would both distract my mind and dissalow the SP to settle in. Thank god I came across this mistake in the forum here. I hope this was the last thing that needed clearing :content:

Oh, one more thing. Can anyone here actually enter a LD from the very begining of their sleep? I’ve heard it’s close to impossible. I suspect the best times to WILD, besides during the afternoon nap, are the waking moment early in the morning (4-7 AM), am I correct? :smile: When do you people find it best to WILD? When do you take your afternoon naps? I’ve realized that WILD is not just about technique, it is about timing. And so far- i seem to have been wasting my time trying to WILD most of the time when going to bed at night (round 00:00 AM)… duuuuh :tongue:

People say WILDing from the very beggining of their sleep is impossible, as REM cycles take some time to start. But people who use the same techniques, but attempting OBEs, hava achieved that (that’s scientifally proved). Many think OBE and LDs are two ways to expresses the same phenomena, so maybe the only difference is the mindset of the practicer.

And your’re not wasting time if you attemp it - there’s a technique called FILD, Failutre Induced Lucid Dream. The idea here is that even if you try and don’t succeed, you’re still increasing your chances to have a LD just by having set the intention. :smile: