First time lucid dreaming

Hello Forum,

two nights ago I had my first lucid dream. That was quite a stunning experience. I really didn’t try to get lucid, I just knew about it from an article I’ve read months ago. There was stated, that many people cannot see themselves in a mirror while dreaming, neither can they see the ground they are standing on.

My dream started when I “woke up” at home. I wanted to go to toilet, then I got the feeling of not being awake. So I looked down on the ground and the floor was all black (but it was dark in my room). So I went to a mirror to make that reality check. In the mirror (dark room) I saw a silhouette of myself, but very small, like a child.

Then I started to shrink. At that point I was totally clear that I was dreaming. I was totally clear that I’m lying in my bed next door. I was amused about that fact, it was a really good felling. I said to myself “get bigger” and I grew to the ceiling. Then I said “normal size” and that worked, too.

Then I went to my home office room, took a look around and got cought by the question, what I’d see in the mirror when it’s not dark.

So I went to the bathroom, a little scared about what I could see and looked in the mirror there. I saw my face like on a photo, and it changed about once a second. So every second I saw a new picture of myself making funny gestures like “thumbs-up” or smiling widely. That was really funny.

Then, already being there, I turned over to the toilet and nearly released my bladder, and then said to myself “no man, don’t be an idiot, this is quite a dumb idea while being asleep in the bed”.

So I went to the bedroom. My body was there asleep, my wife was next to me, sleeping, but the radio was playing some odd german folklore music (what made me think that this could become a nightmare :content: ).

I went into bed, right into my body, and said to myself “wake up now and go to toilet”.

I immediately woke up, had tons of adrenalin in my veins and couldnt sleep for hours.

This was one of the most exciting experiences I’ve ever made. The dream was so intensive and realisic like no other dream before. At no point I had a bad feeling or a feeling of losing control. Now I’m impatient to have the next lucid dream.

Wow,pretty cool!

Amazing lucid my friend. Don’t let impatience get to you though, remember the feeling of being lucid, and remain calm like you did in your first dream. It will happen again if you remain positive, you can do it again. :content:

That was interesting! I haven’t had a lucid dream for months now. Haven’t been on this site for months either but I’ve also had some experiences. For being your first lucid dream you had pretty much control of it! Nice.

Right now I’m asking myself if this was really just a dream or if I was sleepwalking. Everything seemed so real to me.

I bet it was a dream because of the things you just described.
You made yourself smaller and bigger in size, your reflection in the mirror showed a silouette and you saw yourself in your bed, fast asleep!
I don’t think you would be able to do all that unless it was a dream. :tongue:

Or maybe you were doing both? :eek:

much control for a first LD, wow, great job! Don’t become too impatient for the next one!

:welcome: DaConceit!

Awesome dream!! I hope I’ll read more from you :happy:!! I love the end of a dream… when you went to bed and tell yourself to wake up and to go to bathroom! Awesome!

I hope that you’ll have many, many more lucid dreams!! :good:

Thanks for your welcomes and interest. Feels good sharing experiences with you guys and ladies.

The most amazing thing for me is, that I did not try to get lucid. It just happened because while I was dreaming I remembered that wiki article I’ve once read and “by the way” did a reality check. There was no “technique” behind that. I was quite surprised that many people obviously are having a hard time to become lucid. And probably me too now… :wink:

Now I try to have a focus on becoming lucid again when going to sleep. If that should happen again, I will change something in the bathroom (put the soap dispenser away or something), just to make sure I wasnt sleepwalking.

Yes, this time try to become lucid :happy:, it should help you with frequency of LD’s…
It would be a shame not to explore dream world… It’s really amazing place! :happy: