Strange "dream" - huge somnolence

I have experienced something strange what I cannot explain. I haven’t found any info about such phenomenon. I was in bed at 1am (at my friend’s apartment). I was tired. I was trying to relax and practise WILD, but (probably) I have fallen asleep after a while.

[i]I woke up in my own apartment. I stood up from bed. It was night, probably 11pm or something. The lights in the kitchen and corridor were on.

I didn’t know what the hell is going on. I felt dizzy, drunk and felt huge somnolence. I was so sleepy that I was almost falling down on the floor. My eyes were shutting down but my mind was conscious. I remember this big confusion - “What is going on? Why am I here? I don’t remember anything.” Somehow I recalled that I had to drive my car - “But I am too drunk and so sleepy to do this. How am I supposed to do that?”

I knew it wasn’t a dream. I was thinking clearly. I fell down on the floor, I had no strength. I was falling asleep. I snored and woke up back in my friend’s apartment.[/i]

Has anyone expierienced something like that? Is it something related to hypnagogic hallucinations?

OK you said you were physicaly in your apartment… Well sounds like a very vivid FA. Were you lucid while in your own apartment? You said you knew it wasnt a dream, but are you sure it wasnt a dream? Thats sounds really intersting. Then you woke back up in your friends apartment. Wow I cant say as I have had that sorta expirance. Now to sound stupid, but what does “Somnolence” mean. That will be my word of the day. Yea I am really intersted in this.

Maybie you were sleep driving, but I couldnt see that.
Another crazy theory is… If you share an apartment with someone else it might have been a astral body switch. Just a crazy theory, but my logical guess would simply be it was just a very vivid FA. Keep me posted on what you find out or if it happens again.

When I was in this state, a thought of being in a dream came to my mind. However, each time I have a lucid dream, I just know it and feel it. This time it was different. It felt real :smile: I don’t know, maybe it was very vivid dream with FA but as far as I know, dreams don’t occur right after falling asleep. Am I right? And it all lasted for about 5 minutes - from laying down to bed to waking up.

English is not my native language, but I know a word “somnolence” meaning a “strong desire for sleep”, “very sleepy state”. I have just checked it in a dictonary to be sure. :smile:

I had a very similar experience, have posted it here. Short time later I was (and still am) unsure if I wasn’t sleepwalking. But as far as I’ve read about sleepwalking, this seems impossible.

But it felt really unbelievable real. I never had such a dream before. Though I had dreams where I knew I was dreaming (but quickly woke up then), but they were not so real. This was totally different from anything else that I’ve experienced before. I did not try any LD technique, all happened at the typical time for REM sleep. But I had the intense feeling that I should visit the toilet (which was quite true). Maybe your feeling of somnolence was also the very physic feeling of your tiredness?

Exactly. I think the same way. I had hard day and went to bed late, about 1am (usually I lay down to bed about 11pm). Maybe my body was falling asleep or already asleep while my mind was still “clear” and both somehow interfered with each other? :smile:

I have second thoughts of time it happened. I didn’t look at the clock after waking up. Maybe it was late at night, after REM period, but on the other hand, I was so sure that only few minutes had passed after this “dream” ended.

I couldn’t have been sleepwalking because I “traveled” about 50 km to my own apartment.