Hey people!
I have always been fascinated by dreams but the thought of lucidity never crossed my mind. About two weeks ago I stumbled upon this site, read the guide and forum posts and decided to try and become lucid.
The first step was keeping a dream journal. I am good at remembering dreams and writing them down allows me to remember 3 dreams on average. The last one of the sleep cycle seems to have more details(say, 2-3 pages) and I consider this encouraging.
Then were the techniques. I frequent RC’s whenever I see certain objects(mirror, my ipod and others) and try to retrace my day. I take a long time to sleep and I read MILD was good for this so I am giving it a shot. I find that repeating the mantra(“When I sleep tonight I will realise I am dreaming”) gets me to sleep faster than before! I also tried wild when I woke up in the night(I do so often) and felt some sort of acceleration but then lost focus…
Throughout the week and a half I’ve been shot, I’ve been to three schools other than mine, had a reunion and seen my brother in almost all of them. But the one three days ago baffled me;
I was hunted by some guys with guns, I realised something was off( it was snowing) and did an RC. I got excited I was kinda lucid but kept calm soon. Problem is I didn’t have any power! No gun materialised, the guys didn’t answer my questions(they just shot at me), I couldn’t change the place…nothing. In the end a lady came out of the blue and chased them off but I still couldn’t do anything, I woke up.
I haven’t been lucid in another one yet, but I have been chased yesterday. My SC must be f’d up for all I know but I am willing to face it. Any comments/suggestions and how to pick it up from here, much appreciated.
Sorry for the wall