I think i had an FLD tonight, the thing that triggered it was me saying like “Is this a dream?”,it was more vavid then the dreams i use to have but i’m pretty convinced now that it was an FLD, while in the dream i though it felt like i had an LD , but it wasn’t really like i could control myself i shoulda done other things if it was purely LD, in the dream i did some LD stuff, like fly and do all these tricks It lasted for a pretty long time, but then i don’t think i really had an FA because i dreamed that i woke up, but it wasn’t really vavid at all, just like a normal dream, and then after the dream wakeup, i woke up in reality (no FA i’m sure ). The interesting thing, was that this wasn’t like a ND about LDs, So it musta been a FLD right, ?
Oh well, i enjoyed the flying and the wonderful music at least… but i think it’s nicer when ur lucid
It was a lucid dream if you knew you were dreaming. If you didn’t then it was FLD. So you either had a LD, or you’re getting close.
FA doesn’t have to be really vivid. It just had to involve you dreaming of waking up. You should maybe get into the habbit of taking RC’s everytime you wake up.
Well, first of all, the thing the triggered all the events was that i realised that i was dreaming, so it was prolly a low-LD right? But i think it faded into non-lucidity, because first it was vavid, and i can now recall that i actually felt the wall when i touched it. But maybe my memory distorts it, or it’s just because i never had an LD before…
Knowing that you’re dreaming does not necessarily mean you’re lucid. If you are lucid, you instantly realize that you’re dreaming, but the two are not the same.
Lucid really means that you are conscious: fully mentally awake. When you’re non-lucid, you can still have thoughts about things, including the realization that you are dreaming. Often, the knowledge that you’re dreaming can activate your brain to make you become fully lucid, but not always.
ah thx for that, then i prolly wasn’t lucid but very close to it, i’ll do more RCs and try the MILD method some more, it actually seems to works very good for me
There must be like 3 or 4 different threads where this is being discussed. I think we really need a was this a lucid dream sticky topic. Anyway, that seems to happen with a lot of topics and in any case it is not your fault.
Knowing you are dreaming + Understanding what that means (dream control)= LD
Anyway, at least you were thinking about lucid dreaming in your dreams which is a good sign.