Flickering Eyes

Hi all,

Does anyone know what this could have been?

A few nights ago I had spent around 10 or 15 minutes trying to fall asleep. I wanted to see what time it was, but so that I didn’t completely awaken myself, I kept my left eye closed and looked at my clock with my right eye. The strange thing was that when I turned around my left eye started twitching very fast by itself. I then closed my right eye and after a few moments that started as well. My first thought was that it was REM sleep, but I was conscious at the time and it hadn’t been 90 minutes to my knowledge so that shouldn’t take place (If I remember correctly).

Although I can’t remember any of any dreams I had that night (I usually remember a bit), I awoke the next morning as if I had been conscious in my sleep, perhaps even having a lucid dream.


No clue at all, you had lucid dreams before btw? :smile:


Recently when I attempted the WBTB method, I stayed up for about an hour and a half and when I was trying to get back to sleep, I saw little things of electricity coming and going like lightning and my eyeballs were moving and twitching really fast. I’ve never experienced it before that. I thought it might just be REM but thought if I was concious during REM, shouldn’t I be able to control where I move my eyes?

Not sure what it is, probably normal, though.