Every time I try flying in an LD I wake up.
Most of the time when I get lucid I am inside our own apartement. When I try to fly I hit the ceiling and everything becomes black. Then I try to switch to a new location, but I can’t get that to work.
Any sugestions?
Sometimes when I am having trouble flying I kick my legs as though I am swimming or move them in circles like I am riding a bike. That usually gets me flying properly.
But I think the most important aspect to this is just don’t think that it won’t work, instead believe that you are able to fly right through the roof that your mind created.
I had a very similar problem when I first started. I could never fly inside. I always had to go outside to fly. I suggest you do the same thing. Go out side and jump in the air and flap your arms like a bird. Very quickly you will realize that you do not need to do that any more. You will be able to fly like super man, swim through the air or even just levitate. Once you get more LD’s you will learn that barriers like a ceiling hold no meaning to you. Just takes some practice.
I could never fly, but I started to use umbrella’s and I could fly like magic, now I have come up with the jet pack method, I have found out that i youf look for something in an LD it is realy easy to find. like a jet pack.
there is a good chance that your dream become black because you are not quite sure ewhat to expect and may become 2 exicted and forcing your self into a stage which is just before waking. i call it the void as do many other people that may come across it.
if you are flying in your apartment why do you fly up? why dont you try and jump out the window lol, but plz make sure u really are dreaming first. I have mentioned htis a lot 2 day but still, try voice comands try asking your dream to keep stable and let you fly, helps me a lot may help u as well
I’ve had 2 LDs (second one last night!), but in them my brain just can’t seem to get over the logicalness of not being able to fly. I jump up, then fall right back down, often floating a second or two before falling.
I’ve only had a couple LD’s, in 1 of them when i tried to fly i could, it was just really really hard. i couldn’t do it for a few minutes, but when i finally did start flying my body felt like a lead weight and it was really hard to stay in the air. then i tried flying family members around and i couldnt get off the ground
Don’t worry it just takes time. You have to get used to becoming lucid and understand what that means. It is like riding a bike. When you first learn you can’t go very fast and its hard to keep your balance. But in no time you are riding all over the place jumping of curbs etc. Just keep practicing and you will get the hang of it.
You just have to learn that the laws of the waking world do not apply in your dreams.
Good luck and happy dreaming
fire stone
I do not mean to be a pest but, your avatar is too big. It is a cool avatar but, it messes up the board.