Fly Guy (-:

For all the flying people out there a nice link to a wonderfull fly flash movie :cool_laugh:

LOL, that’s great :smile:
If i ever get to fly higher than my usual 5 meters, i’ll go for something like that (kewl ending :smile:).

So cool!!

I luv the sound effects.

cute! :angel:

hehehehehe!! :grin: :grin: that was SO funny! great! amazing! i’m really laughing out loud here… :grin: and the music was nice too. so cool, i’m going back…

lol, awesome!!!

i finished it… i don’t wanna spoil anything though. but the robot, alien, and the guru were the best.

HEHEHE!! lol ! Thats such a cute little uhm…game!! I could play for hours, but i have other stuff to do :neutral:

Yeah, that is pretty cool. Wierdly, I found it on my own, and posted a topic on it (I don’t think anyone has replied yet), but obviously someone beat me to it.