every time i fly in a LD from the ground to outer space at very high speeds…, i get this weird vibe/tingly feeling all over… and i read that this could lead to astral projection… and a couple of times after i flew from the ground to space in an LD… when i get to space and feel the vibes/tingly feeling stronger… i see myself in my room on my bed…
i was just wondering if anyone of you can fly at a high speed to outer space without feeling these vibes/tingly feeling ?
it would be cool if we can all astral project and probly meet eachother on the same astral plane … wouldn’t it ?
Yes, that would indeed be cool.
In response to your first question, when I fly, I never feel anything weird, that is, nothing you wouldn’t feel while flying in a dream. Maybe, your waking up as you start flying, so you get those weird vibrations like the ones you get during sleep paralysis, OOBE’s, ect, which also happen when waking up and falling asleep and stuff.
spirituallucidity that sounds great! I will try it too now!
Robert Bruce has this exact method for finding the Astrals from an EP.
keep at it, let us know how it goes and what you discover
i dunno if this is the same thing you experienced, but my problem with flying is i can’t fly at super high speeds. a couple LDs ago i tried to fly really fast and my whole body started shaking, preventing my forward progress
eventually i got annoyed and just flew at a regular speed
it was more of a shaking than vibrations though shrug
oneiromancer … try flying slow and fly to outer space if you remember and have the time in your next LD please, and then post it here cuz im really curious to find out what will happen
i’ll focus on this for all of my lucid dreams from now… i think it’ll be cool if we all ( as LDers ) move up to the next level… astral projection…
It occurs to me that the sensation of you flying upward so rapidly could be starting the projection reflex within you and causing you to start leaving your body. Perhaps? Is your vision bluring when you fly at high speeds? That could also cause you to shift in your dream or project. Maybe this should be in the Beyond Dreaming forum.
Astral projection and OBEs aren’t necessarily the same. You can leave your body without going to the astral planes… supposedly. But what is commonly meant by astral projection is that your energy body has seperated from your physical and your point of consciousness is traveling around without it. According to some people you can meet other projectors in the astral and even the real-time planes (level of reality closest to the physical). If interested I suggest trying astralpulse.com or reading Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce. Pretty good resources.
i might have to try that next time i’m lucid if i actually remember, but whenever i’ve tried AP from an LD it was an earthward journey as opposed to skyward.
i’ve done it twice so far, but when lucid i descended into the ground and rose up into my sleep paralyzed physical body where i experienced true vibrations, my only problem was i couldn’t seem to separate
but it’s cool that you have an interest in OBEs. i actually discovered the concept of LDing when i was learning about OBEs. OBEs seemed rather advanced as opposed to LDs so i thought it was wise to start out in the comfort of my own imagination before going where no man has gone before
this post seems to be drifting lower and lower from the top of the ’ quest for lucidity’,.so i’ll just let it go for now
untill when i get more experienced with astral projection i’ll bring it up again cuz then i’d have more experiment ideas, and experiences to tell about and advice to give,.