Flying failure? Teleport to Ireland!

So, i gain my lucidity in a Mall/Wal-Mart/Shooting Range/Auto shop. I then try to tell one of the managers that i control her because i’m in a dream. She goes ‘I don’t think so’ and walks into a dressing room, but at this point i already know that i am, in-fact, dreaming because i had been walking through walls prior to this. Anyhow, i continue on my journey and contemplate things to do this night, so the idea pops into my head, Ireland. I’ve never been there so why not. So i let my ‘friend’ (Reece Jones) know that i’m goign to fly to Ireland, I then ask him if he’d like to come, but he’d rather stay in the Mall-like place and continue walking through walls as we had been. So i start off my adventure, my plan being to fly to Ireland with the speed and Technique of one of the characters from the show Heroes, however it is to no avail. I can fly, but not nearly as fast. I get to the coast, which was a nice and fun flight but it had felt sluggish. More than it should have, but hey what do you know my subconscious had spawned me some friends. There were 3 of them, 2 of which i can remember by name (but one is dead now, recently) anyhow they were playing frisbee near the coastline. So i figure i’ll mess with them a bit :smile:. I swoop in and swat the frisbee out of the air. After a few minutes of doing this, me and ‘Matt’ Get into a battle, throwing the frisbee at each other. He catches me really hard under me left eye, and suddenly everything turns grey and is outlines in a reddish tint. As if i was playing call of duty and got shot or something. I just hit im really good in the hand. So now, i figure I’ll just continue my journey so i set off flying again. My flying ability is nearly completely gone, i just make it to a little rock formed island right off of the coast. I think to myself ‘strange, never really had too much problem flying’ (although this was set to be my longest flight thus far). So i form the idea, ‘Why not teleport’. My feet are on wet rock, i get down, nearly on one knee, and close my eyes. Feeling the sensation of terrain transforming unde ryour feet is an amazing feeling. It transformed from wet, cold rock; into luscious green grass, and the feelign is undescribable. anyhow, the dream continues on for a bit with some story line to it. Teleporting is a fun means of travel, but i think i may not use it quite often, as i ‘enjoy the ride.’ I was wondering if any of you fellow LD’ers had any experience like mine with flying, and found teleporting nearly exhilarating as i did?

I’ve “teleported” once I believe. I’m not sure if I could even call it teleporting lol. I remember shutting my eyes and feeling fuzzy all over. I saw grey static-y stuff like what you see on the tv. I opened them and found myself only 1-2 meters from where I was originally. Your experience sounds nice. I might wanna try it again. :content: I usually fly to where I want to be and use expectation, sometimes I use portals too.