Flying in space??

Hi, i consider myself as a beginner in LD… In most of them I try to fly (as best as i can), and most of the time i do well, but one thing happens oftenly: I feel myself attracted up and it awakes me cause i always fear going into space… :bored:
does anyone have that problem, has anyone ever fly in space or maybe to another planet?? :help:

Sorry man, no real LD’s till now!

I’ve had plenty of LD’s…

… But I’ve never been able to fly. So meh.

My advice to you, would simply be: ‘don’t fear going into space’. You can’t be hurt, nor will it being discomforting in anyway (eg. it won’t be cold if you don’t want it to be).
And you’ll get to explore the Universe - other planets! Aliens! Black holes! The Multiverse! Just think of the possibilities…

Me also I had lots of LDs, I think I’m around 170 by now . Many of them are related to flight, I always experiment with the flight in my LDs. Ur problem is that u can’t go into outer space, mine is that I can’t accelerate above a limit. I am always limited, I would estimate 100 km / h at maximum. I didn’t travel in the real world faster than 130-140km/h and maybe that’s why I can’t fly faster in my dreams. I am trying so hard with no results. Any tips 'n tricks ?

If I had one piece of advice, it would be just to stop and think to yourself, “Hey, who’s dream is this? I can do whatever I want!”
Of course, I haven’t had the chance to test this out. :content:
I have trouble flying sometimes, I can only go so high, then its as if I loose my momentum and start to fall. I would welcome a mysterious force pulling me up into space. What a dream that would be :happy:

An idea would be, just to imagine yourself in space, looking back at the earth. Just take in the sight, it may be so beautiful that your fears will dissapate. Then you may freely fly around in space. Check out the moon, imagine yourself near it. It’s not about the physical act of flying. You just want to get to your destination.

OK, thank u everyone for the advices, I feel a lot less frightened , going into outer space is my #1 objective now…

A friend of mine can fly as fast as a fighter (supersonic speed). Here is his trick. When he flies, he keeps his hands in front of him and most of the time stares at them, just having brief looks at the surroundings.
Hope it helps. :content:

I fly from time to time in my LDs but its usually just for practical purposes. Getting from point A to point B. Probably because I never stop to think of just transporting myself… duh…:tongue:

But yesterday or the day before I had this vivid, intense LD that involved flying. For the first time ever I said 'Increase Lucidity Now!" and it was intense, to say the least. Friggin unreal… the colors… jeebus…

And then, once I was very lucid (in fact, I think its the mist lucid Ive ever been) I said 'UP!" and I shot up much faster than I anticipated. I could see below disappearing so fast… I was wanting to go somewhere beautiful that I knew, and so I didnt want to end up in outerspace.

It was getting dark as I flew upwards like a rocket and I didnt want to lose sight of the earth and so I yelled 'STOP!" and I did. Right there. I remember wondering why it wasnt cold…

And then I called out a place I wanted to see and there I was.

I had another flying dream similar to this once. Its like once I get up there, I keep going straight up. A little goes a long way… heh… :wink:

And I notice that just a hint of thinking ‘go right’ makes me go much father than I wanted to…

Like a joystick with too much pull…

Its fun though… I dont recall being scared of hitting outerspace, but I do remember being a bit nervous about it somewhere in the back of my mind. Mostly because I thought it would be too dark and hard to see. and maybe cold…

I’m sad to say that I am vertically challended, the highest I’ve been able to reach was a few metres away from a roof top even. I’m not afraid, and I’m not even unsure. so who knows. Although I’m not really in a position to give advice, I would recommend(if you wanted to go to space) try one of the methods that involve quick travel(ie:jumping into a tv etc.) once in space, if you wanted to go really fast screem insert your name’s VELOCITY X I MILLION! and see how that goes :wink: