
is it hard to fly in lucid dreamms do u need to have experience to fly in them or can you do it in your first one :eh:

It’s different for different people.

I think it depends on the person. Some will do it right on there first try and some it will take practice to.

For me it depends. Sometimes it’s very easy and other times I can’t fly at all. I think I read somewhere that flying is one of the easyer things to do in a LD. I have been trying to walk trough walls and that seems to be much harder than flying, atleast for me. The best I have done is to get my hand trough a wall. But I succeded in flying the first time I tried it.

Me too. Before I got to the flying, I had no problem passing through the window to get outside.

Also, it was a very high-level lucid dream, and you just kind of have to know that you can do it.

My first two lucid dreams were flying, because I was using it as my reality check. I’d say to myself, “If this is a dream, when i jump up, i’ll just stay there.” Lo and behold- i stayed up there and started swimming for the window. I woke up very soon after.

In my second dream, i used flying as my reality check and then tried to fly through a wall to the outside. I got my hand through the wall and it started rippling and distorting. I thought it was so cool that it worked that… i woke up. :cry:

GREAT job with the triple post :ok:

Wow. hehehehe.

Flying is one of the first things I learned to do in an LD. I recommend that you start by jumping into the air and acting like you’re swimming. Once you learn how to swim in the air, you can learn to do more “superman” style flight.

That is exactly what I did, monitor.

I prefer the leviatation approach… it feels more eastern to me :smile:

Just stand in place and float off the ground :smile:

Recently in a dream I was flying and I started to experience ecstacy… it was the most insane happy feeling! This doesn’t usually happen.

I think it was because I flew through a tree :smile: Does that mean anything to you ? Try asploding something in a dream… heh

I flew in my first LD and found it to be very easy. It was a awesome experience. Flying continues to be one of my favorite thing to do in a LD.

I agree with toadstool–floating seems to work very well for me. When I first started LDing, I sucked at flying. I would always try to get on higher ground and would jump off only to fall to the ground. You have to find a technique that works for you and stick with it. Don’t fret if it takes awhile. I think it took me a year or more to get good at flying (hehe). Oh, and always think of pasQuale’s sig if you need help! :wink:

I also found that flying has a stabilizing effect on my dreams and even increases lucidity for me.

yeah i agree…

flying is different for everyone…

i find that when i can’t fly… i kind of have lost the belief that i can fly… i doubt myself… i know that i can fly but i just dont have the will/intent that i can actually do it…

Flying is dead easy for me. I’ve done it since my first and can’t imagine any problems doing it (apart from not getting high enough - just stay low-ish!)

If not flying, what would I do?!

Me too. Everytime I have an LD, I am flying around probably because I like flying. However, after a while (for me), flying becomes tiresome because after flying for a long time I got used to it.

My technique in a dream is simply to sort of jump as I walk which catapults me into the air to begin flying.

As someone has already stated on this thread different methods work for different people. Different strokes for different folks. :smile:

The way I fly comes from how I fly in ND’s. It’s hard to describe it’s more like a feeling that a technique. I feels like I weigh almost nothing and then I just float away. The only problem is that when I to a certain height I tend to fall back down. Maybe it has something to do with my fear of heights.

I have no difficulty flying in an LD. The only tough time I had was the first time I tried it, but now I can do so without any real effort. All I do is run and then jump, spreading out my arms on either side of me. It really is a great feeling.

i can fly easily but i have altitude restrictions, i have to trick myself into a high altitude new dream scene usually in order to get up in the sky, though sometimes i can go up way high naturally…

sometimes it’ll look like i’m high yet i feel myself walking on the ground…

i’m not really sure what determines success/failure in altitude…

or speed… sometimes i can move pretty fast, but most of the time I can’t fly faster than walking speed.

one of the coolest things i’ve ever done was imagining that there are steps in the air, and getting a huge runnign start and just jumping up in the air and pumping my feet… it was so insanely fast and i got really high and started falling like i was some sort of human pogo stick.

i read the technique from somewhere else and decided to give it a try, it was very cool.

usually… i just jump in the air and tighten my leg muscles to fly… sometimes i have to be in a sitting position, sometimes a superman position… sometimes my limbs and bodily position directly affect which way i go and how i fly… it’s kind of tricky…

i’ve only been able to do it levitating once… i suppose that requires a lot more mental activity then just pumping your dream body while expecting it to fly.

oh… and … flying cars through the air… is great and it feels pretty fast… i stole my uncles truck once and flew it through rooftops (it was hard to steer)